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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lee la g ilw - deanery 22. 1953 Mr. A. X. Stoddards (m • Mr. P. f. Lyaeh * Opah* Mr. w. e. ferkine y m m i m Mr. M, L. Adames'* Lft« Angeles Mr. ?. I, Martin - Los Asms*!**} I an advised hy Mr. 1. L. A4n«n lh»l Mb* Blvitiea S&gineer's offlee le re$n*stlag authorisation for the replaossesftt of the roof ea Mb* Clash: Sitmoir *1 Lft« Togas, Sfteada. at m sstlnated east of $k,000 chargeable to railroad company operating expense. Mr. Adeaeon ftftdft «a laepeetiea of thi* roof with the Division Engineer end Supervisor of Brides and Buildings M d agrees with then thftt the roof should ho renewed m proposed. Binder ordinary conditions, la view of the prospective solo of thee# properties to the Laii Tftpi Water 3i strict, I would suggest the pestpeneaeat of this work nstil after the sole bed teen oeaftwanoted* la tide ease, however, should the water la the Ink bacon# eentenln&ted by roof leakage It sight he a very serleas setter •s before the oeataalaatioa was discovered a eery largs part sf the eater syetaa oould he eoatsalaated sad the oset ef oerrestiag this weald hs large. I therefore agree with thle request and recommend that the espeadit<Kre he antherised aad the work undertaken ae qplekly aa peeeihle. R.U A. {Signed) WM. REINHARDT Va. Selnhardt jftW %2, I®3 L , C . C.