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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    y Mr. Walter Rouse: (cc - Mr. A. E . Stoddard Mr. Wm. Reinhardt Mr. R. M. Sutton) I am enclosing herewith Mr. Stoddard1s le t te r of A p r il 12, 1951 to Mr. Reinhardt authorizing in ­crease of 12\<fi per hour in the rates of pay of employees of Water Department of the LVL&WCo., Las Vegas, Nevada, subject to compliance with the regulations of the Wage S ta b iliza t io n Board. I am also enclosing a copy of Mr. Reinhardt’ s le t te r of A p r i l 10, 1951 to Mr. Stoddard recom­mending th is increase. I have advised Mr. Reinhardt that without p r io r authorization of the Wage S ta b iliza t io n Board, he can put in to effect under Regulation No. 6 increases in rates of pay fo r the office force , including a housekeeper and rooming house attendants, which are lis te d under column headed "New Rates": Base Wkly Wage New Wkly Wage Rate fo r 40 Hrs . Rates l 0-j- -fH £ Steno.Clerk #1 $1,466 $ 58.64 $1.57 $ 62.80 Steno.Clerk #2 1.408 56.32 1.53 61.20 Checker 1.35 54.00 1.475 59.00 Housekeeper .78 31.20 . 88 35.20 Rm.Hse.Attendants (2) .75 60.00 .85 68.00 Allowable in c l . 10$ 260.16 $286.20 26.02 Allowable to ta l $286.18 The average of these new rates is not in excess of 10$ over the average of the rates of pay in effect during the base period. I have excluded the increases of 2^$ an hour granted the house­keeper and rooming house attendants on January 25, 1950 in deter­mining base date rates of pay because I regard these increases as being purely merit increases. I am informed that the increases to the rooming house attendants were made to comply with the min­imum wage requirements of the F a ir Labor Standards Act and the increase to the housekeeper was made to maintain the supervisory d i f fe re n t ia l . These increases were separate and apart from the general increases which have from time to time been granted to a l l