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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Q O p 1 % |S& Thomas A* Omph&Xl dbalireieitt icard of Pireotors h m Vegas Valley 135 South <Mg* fitrWaaeft er District Las Vegfet# HtvMa t&9 V m & m m September i%* 1953 Wis I26 m S boc t Wm, Reinhardt Dear ftr* Campbells In eonneetlaii with addition# to the property of the i%%#r loiiparsy, the ceet of which v i l l be added to the bio 10 purchase price under terns of agreement with the t#t*r Uietrlot covering sale of the water system to tat §g# Ve*£&» valley fern ter D istrict, 1 m tending you herewith. too cosies of "Detail of ::stiEu/ted i;s^>«n<llttiroatt dated September lb , 1953# covering construction of the following described project which It l i proposed to c ana trust, subject to approval of our executive# under . conditions m noted, on the face of tho estimate! I, m also sending you herewith* one print of cm? drawing <M93 dated August £1, 1953# slicin g location of'promoted pip© linos* t i l l you please indicate year approval of the above dat&riM project as required under iootioa 13 of *0*L»&« ttykZ dated Jim# 1, 1953# covering th* eels of the water production, storags and dintrlbo* tion system to the D istrict, by ilgitlag in the space indicated on the carbon copies of this letter and rottnm tso copies to fit* 6Oos nstract 1330 I# of 12s, 3h?5 LF of 8s and 6810 U* of oast iron water rmim and P® LF of 6s fire hydrant comsctions to serve ifrde Pash snbdlviaioa Mo« 3# fes Vegas, hev&da* Very tru ly poors, Snole. Lffcttrr Approved tiiis of _ _ _ _ _ jtay *1953 t*» IS* Haag LAS VB&AS VALLST WATER DISTRICT Chatman, Board of Directors