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I agree.I SjsP U a V e g a s , H e r . , D e o . e , 1949 Mr. 3&. a * l i l U a M Mr. J . i>, Mask My latter on waata of water at lea Vegaa. *• are going t© be a© m vary bad waataga witar uaera, aa we bare many ooolera with no pumpot ©ossa going to aawar and sioae on ground. on , u .oSi2J2“M l“ u u t m v * fXo,t TalT*» h jg, f bare John Snorf ehaek aoolara wa jj /•*••• Ajbo all plumbing faoilltlea. ioil#t8» u**inala, leaky faucets and £ « r e o S 5 ™ K ? s j ’-n o !!*anaok aoolara whieh now bareT aip”ump*s r,a<nidu ifrl«oi«a t u s . jairea wbiah are bod order, theyhave puapawhieh do not require motor they work off fan abaft. M, | f c lottar will be delivered to m . Snorf. He will aheak all plumbing and aaa tbat all toilata, urinala, abawara, basin fauoata ara not wanting watar. Also giro list of aoolara. authority i>Uap* 80 *• dab arrange for *F * ? A arson