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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Lob Angeles - February 21, 19^5 Mr. V. M. Jeffers (Los Angeles) 733* Referring to our oonferenoe this morning oonoernlng status of the authorized water well and pipe line at Las Vegas. I attaoh hereto copy of my Joint letter of February l^th to Messrs. Rlgdon and Prater, with copy to Mr. Ashby, from which you will note that data for use In making WPB application for authority to drill the well and construct data for use In requesting Necessity Certific atteh e tpoi paem orlitniez,e atnhde oost, was forwarded airmail to Omaha that date. Tubular casing for use In drilling the well, now on hand In the Oil Department Material Xard at Wilmington, will be wseheikp.p ed Et.o LB.a s HaVlelg asI s apnrd empoavreedd ttoo mthoev e dhriisl l rostiater yw irtihgi nt o thLea s neVxetg as as soon as WPB authorization is received, and advises will require about three weeks after arrival to place the well on production. As to the cast iron pipe and valves for the pipe line, ntihen etdyis dtaryisb utaofrtse r ardevciesiep tu s oft hWatP B dperliiovreirtyy carnat bineg .made In about While waiting for delivery of material for the pipe lIinn en,o t trtoe ncehx cweieldl tbher eee xwceaevkast eda,f tearnd retchee ipptip eo f limnaet erciaanl .be laid The above means that If we are able to secure prompt action by WPB in granting authority to proceed with the work, we should have the well completed and water In the reservoir about the first of July. Meantime, as I advised you today, we have engaged a hlaoobaill itcaotnec ersne vetroa lb e weilnl sL asf roVemg awsh iothhe theea rplryo dpaurctt ioonf Mhaasr chde ctroe arsee­d, diunec rpearsien ciIpn aplrloyd utcot isoann d Itnrcoiudbelnet, taon dt hiIs fereelh acbeirltiatiant iotnh atw e wwiitlhl tbhee able to take care of the City's needs until the new well is placed on production. As soon as estimate is completed for an additional reservoir, will submit figures with reason for construction. 8 i i Frank Strong