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s m I Rule Page It Interpretation of the term “estimated imme- II diate annual revenue” ______ .— ----- ------- ...------- II Free installation of necessary service— .—.-------- I| Deposit to cover cost of service not to be used H immediately ....— ......— —— .— — ...—— ^Improvement of service .— ....---- ..----- .....— ......------ APPLICATION FOR WA T E R SUPPLY AND RESPONSIBILITY OF APPLICANTS— Section C. Application for supply... .........—,— --------------------- Applicants’ responsibility and establishing of credi t ____ ________ ...— .— ------ .— ,— ...—— — — Guarantee of payment; temporary unmetered Supply .............—.— ....... — — ..—....—--------------- Cash deposit; amount required — .— Application of deposit to' liquidate unpaid bills Return of deposit — ..... ...— — ............ —................- Failure of applicant to make cash deposit--------- Cash deposit required if consumer fails to pay bill s ...____ - — ...................- —...... ....... .—— — .— Former consumers owing bills must pay before new application will be recognized— ........ ...— 9 Water used without regulation application being made — .......— .....------ M ETER READING PERIODS, BILLING AND COLLECTION— Section D. Billing periods and proportionate bills_________ Non-registering meters ___— ---------------------- -— .... 2 Times of rendering bills.— ----------------............... ....... Presentation of bills ...—.....------ — ..— .-.—...... 4 Time limit of payment -------- -— ~.— ---------- ........ 5 Proper charges— Time limit -------------— 6 Back billing ....... ...... .— pL-----------— ......... - ..........— Billing for two or more meters— ....... ——------------ GENERAL— Section E. Application of San Francisco rates.----------------—.. Charge for turning on water supply------------ Meter tests _______________________ _________— If meter is more than two per cent slow— . Supply from fire hydrants ----------...—.— — - —... .3 Tamnering with Department property----- ------ -— Shutting down supply for repairs.---------- ------------- Admission of Department’s employees to con turners’ premises .— .....------------- - —— ...—.....— Abatement, of noises .......------ ......------.....— ------------- Consumer to install proper size pipes------------------ Moving Are hydrants, etc.,— ......--------------------— — Discontinuance for non-payment of former location bills ...— .— --------- — .— ..... .— -------- - Time limit on inspections-------....— ...................—.... 11 Disputed bills: Evidence payment-------------------..... 1“ Damage claims --------——......... ...... — ........— .—— Interpretation of Rules and Regulations............... 3a 19 4 19 l| 4a 19 1 5 19 I 'j 1 20 2 20 3 20 4 21 5 21 6 21 7 22 8 22 9 22 10 22 1 23 2 23 3 23 4 24 5 24 6 24 7 24 8 24 0.1 26 1 26 2 26 ‘ 2a 27 s3 27 4 27 5 28 6 28 7 28 8 29 9 29 10 29 11 29 12 30 13 30 14 30 SE CTIO N A A — E M E R G E N C Y R U L E S A N D R E G U L A T IO N S IN C O M P L IA N C E W IT H N A T IO N A L D E F E N SE PR O G R A M . Rule 1. In order to com ply w ith the laws o f the U nited States w ith respect to N ational D efense, and the executive and adm inistrative proclam ations and orders made thereunder, each rule or regulation o f the Departm ent respecting the m aking o f service Connections and extensions h eretofore in effect shall be taken as suspended or m odified, except as to applicants fo r service w ho possess defense priority ratings, to the extent necessary to perm it the D epartm ent to com ply w ith all such N ational D efense laws and orders, and until this em ergency rule and regulation shall be amended b y the P u blic U tilities Comm ission the Departm ent w ill to the extent o f its ab ility and m aterials available furnish service to applicants not possessing p riority ratings in the fo llo w ing order: 1. Service connections w hich can be made w ith out a line extension. 2. L in e extensions and service connections with least m aterial requirements. 3. L ine extensions and service connections that can be made w ithin the free foota g e allowance. 4. W ithou t the specific approval o f the P u blic U tilities Commission no extension o f fa cilities ^ or service connections w ill be made to any subdivision prior to building construction therein. (A s adopted January 5, 1942. Resolution N o. 4796.) SE CTIO N A — IN S T A L L A T IO N OF SE R V IC E S Rule 1. A pp lication b y ow ner o f the premises. B efore a w ater service is installed b y the Departm ent, the ow ner or authorized agent o f the property to be served shall m ake w ritten application on the form provided b y the Departm ent, in w hich the applicant shall sp ecify the location and the use fo r w hich the service is required and shall agree to abide b y the Rules and Regulations o f the Departm ent. Rule 2. Installation a t the expense o f the D epartm ent in the C ity and C ounty o f San Francisco. The Departm ent w ill install at its expense, adequate 4 5