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    y N ?> /* S u b je c t:? Deed f o r Hawkins Land A Water . Lae Vegas, Hev., Aug.13/1926 Mr.C.H. Bloom, Secretary, Las Vegae land & Water Co., Los Angeles, Cal. Dear t l r t Aeknowledging' r e c e ip t o f your l e t t e r o f August 12th, F ile 9213*B»57, the Deed coverin g acreage so ld to Hawkins ft ’fa t e r Co. was rec eived w ith your le t t e r ' and d e liv e re d even date, and 1 fin d upon in v e s tig a tio n th e bank n o t ifie d the tre a s u re r’ s o f f i c e o f the money placed in escrow by brJ Hawkins on June 24th, the ease being drawn out a day o r so la t e r through th e tr e a s u re r ’ s o f f i c e , The mount deposited was balance due *30,000.00 and in te r e s t coverin g two months a t r a te o f TJt* making the t o t a l balance due *30,350.00. .. l note th at Mr.Adams w i l l ad vise me o f audit number assigned to th is document, and as there were f i v e copies sent you w ith my l e t t e r o f June 13th when req u estin g Deed, I assume th at the A u d itor’ s o f f i c e , Right-of-W ay A Tax Agent’ s o f f i c e and your own f i l e s have copies o f the deed, and i f a l l f i v e copies sent you have not been used I would lik e to have one re­turned to me fo r my f i l e s * Tours tr u ly . ’/ice President A. Agent wm/m&p ce Lr.C,^ .Barry, Auditor, Ifr.Chas* Mams, R .- o f Way 4fe Tax A gt. v