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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    F o rm 17-47— 10M— 5-18— D D D ESTIMATE TO ACCOMPANY FORM 30 OR G. M. O. S. P., L. A. a SVL. R. R. Maintenance of.Way description Estimated cost of constructing bean -warehouse to leased to G. 0 . Coin ns C ompany, Hartville, California._________________,_____________ DEPARTMENT____s L.A ». .Division No.. 5-1063 SepJ.emjbeiLJL, 1916 «.i9i ITEM QUANTITY UNIT UNIT STORE AMOUNT AMOUNT DIVISION OF EXPENSE TO BOTH R. & E. AND O. E. ACCOUNTS IT SHOULO NOT BE ENTERED AS ONE ITEM BUT IN TWO SEPARATE ITEMS PRICE EX % LABOR MATERIAL R 8c E. | O. E. Brought forward !x4 Lag Screws •fxl4 Machine Bolts 1x12 tT w from Sheet '1x6 Yf n 45° 30° 0.I.Washers Tf If Washers Tf 3/8x5x5T8,f Iron (Detail) 4d Shingle Bails 8d Common Bails Id | | 20 d Tf w 401 * * 10 10 185 40 10 10 20 410 10 10 600# 600# 300# 300# Standard Yellow Paint 40 Brown 11 2 Shingle Stain 48 #31 Barn Door fraek 44 ft #20 11 ” Hangers I 6 pr 8’* Hinge hasp & staple 6 Padlocks 1x8-16 Rwd.34S 1x8-16 OP S1S2J Bean cleaner & 15 H * P.Mot or & •2x8-14 OP SIS 15 pcs 161 1 SH 6 ’f 61 separator Rheostat 40 pcs 747- 3/8: ?10 ?15 OP Sw.Iies 25 :4 Porcelain tubes R.C .Wire H tf #1 Split knobs Friction tape Rubber tape Soldering Acifi. String solder 10 Amp Snap Switch 1 pc. Rosetts Snap lamp sockets l/8" lamp socket bushings 16 C.P.Lamps Lamp Cord Leatherheads 37 5 ft 2 15 ft 940 ft 250 2 Rls 1 " 1 Stk 10 10 55 ft 1 Box Gal If lb 7 7 460 7 293 7 02* 7 02f 7 03 7 02 7 02 7 ijsq 7 300 7 300 7 300 7 300 7 300 7 las 138 105 11 123 05 40 4000 10 DO 1900 P 1965 1450 f>9 12 p S3 09 17 43 15 167 183210 183210 25- 51- 8(51- 1JL7- 23 25 60- 820- SO! 19001- 18001 1800- 900- 900!- 300 ( 32801- 276 5040 4841- 7381- tool 2401- Uo\- si­ll 7 500 1827 5 1419 33 02 295 1M42 148 4S VO ;>o 03 H 20 1900 1800 1800 900 900 300 3200 276 5040 484 738 30 240 660 66 117500 18275 1419 3375 02 295 13442 148 1 45 150 92 C'3 0 0 BTJcS | i | Forwarded to Sheet lo.L® 359204# 359204!