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I agree.JA M E S M . M O N T G O M l # 0 E L l REALTY C C O N S U LTIN G E N G IN E E R q _ M i »C|l 15 N O R T H O A K L A N D A V E N U -Feb 17 y 22 w J P A S A D E N A 1, C A L IF O R N IA F e b ru a ry 15, 1954 M r. Thomas A . Cam pbell 135 South Fou rth S treet L a s V egas, Nevada D ear M r. C am pbell: E n closed a re three copies of a le tte r fr o m the L a s V egas Land and W ater Company asking fo r approval of the C ity of L as V eg a s' requ est fo r easem ents a cross the w ater-bearin g lands which a re to be purchased b y the W ater D is tric t. I I went o ver the plans w ith M r. Maag on Thursday, F e b ru a ry 11. I fe e l that this is a n ecess a ry im p rovem en t and that the in stallation of the sew ers w ill not a d v e rs e ly a ffect the p rop erty. T h e re fo re , I am returning the o rig in a l and two copies m arked approve d. V e r y tru ly yours, James M. M ontgom ery JM M :m g E n closu res