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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, October £9, 1951 Mr, R. M. Sutton: Pursuant to discussion with Mr. D.J.Sullivan of this office and Asst. Auditor of Blebureements, H.O .Carson, we have reviewed the matter of proper charges to be assessed against the Las Vegas Land & w&tef Company for salary and ex­penses of Acting General Manager. W.H.Johnson, and I now give you below my recommendations with- respect thereto* this position of 1550*00 there be added as normal personal ex-* penses an amount not exceeding $150.00 per month, or a total of 1700.00 per month to cover the salary and expenses of the position of General Manager. charged to the Las Vegas Land & Water Company, 6nly Mr.Johnson’s present personal expense approximating some $300*00 per month and the above therefore would represent an additional amount of i^OO.QO per month to be charged to the L.V.L.& Vf.Co. as of January 1, 1951* that to the salary presently authorized for As I understand it, there is presently being CSSgned) WM. REINHARDT 1? m. Reinhardt / /