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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas - March 25§ 195^ ¥ 6-4-26 Mr. L. V, Peart - Omaha Please refer to your letter dated March 22, 1954-, file BD 1-18, relative to Fora 26 for February, 1951** I am returning original copy of attachment to your letter with explanations for each item shown In “Remarks" column which I trust will be satisfactory. Referring to the last paragraph of your letter, wherein you request that we list the service numbers in numerical order in our monthly letter of changes. In preparing the monthly list of changes, we type directly from our book record of base rate changes which are not In numerical order, and In order to comply with your request, it would first be necessary to go through our three books of base rate changes and make the list, then type another list to rearrange the service numbers in numerical order. This procedure would be a time consuming process and would increase the possibility of errors. In view of our limited force available for this work and pressure of other business at the time this report is prepared, I do not feel that the rearrangement of the list In numerical order as requested is justified, and would therefore appreciate if you would eliminate this requirement. Attachment L. R. Maag LRMslm