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O f f ic e r s a n d D ir e c t o r s W M A S A . C A M P B E L L P R E S I D E N T S P E N C E R L . B U T T E R F IE L D LA S V E G A S V A L L E Y W A T E R D IS T R IC T V I C E -P R E S I D E N T W IL L IA M C O U L T H A R D 9 0 0 S O U T H S ™ S T R E E T s e c y . - t r e a s . L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A H A R R Y E . M IL L E R J A M E S C A S H M A N J O H N B U N C H T e l e p h o n e 5 9 2 0 Howard W . Cannon r City Attorney C ity of Lot Vegas Las Vegas, Nevada Dear M r* Cannon: E . MAR . ^'$fe»rch 4 , 1954 1954 / •t, V i V-.V '-t This w ill acknowledge receipt today by the District o f your March 2 letter inquiring about the legal authority and intentions of the District w ith respect to furnishing subdivisions and other users outside the C ity of Las Vegas w ith water from the present sources o f supply pending the actual bringing in o f an additional supply of water from Lake M ead. Copies o f your above-mentioned letter are being Imm ediately submitted to Leo A . M cNam ee, local attorney for the D istrict, and O 'M elveny & Meyers, District bond counsel, for the necessary legal opinion. As soon as we receive their advices, the matter w ill be taken up at a meeting o f the District for attention and formal reply to the points raised In your March 2 le tte r. M eanw hile, copies o f your above-mentioned letter are being immediately placed in the hands o f a ll District directors. Very sincerely yours, LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT TAC:fb Tbomos A . Cam pbeli, President