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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ( b c c - M r. Win. R e in h a r d t MMrr.. LC.a lRv.i nM Ma.a gCorv^x Mr. C* M. Bates) A m * m * m e 8 0 - H Mr* C, 2>* Brown T r u s t O f f i c e r FLiars sVte Ngaatsi Bonraaln cBha nk #f Nevada Las Vegas, Mtmlt Saar Mr* Browns Bet' Escrow Me* If-lSiS of PiXo nheaevre T iytolwe Cloemtptaenry 'osf PJruenel Hi*9l,n arwym R*e peonrtc lWosi 3n§gS Sm§» iitm* Ilpatalrie^g rt^o t(hl)e ppro pseercttiyo dne s3c orfi bethde ionr itghie nia@l «#Es rcerfoewr Wredw to« i n ^tlp^ourit Iins tshaet aibsofvaec tmoernyt tioo netdhe e sScerlolwe.r s wThiet hF trheel lesxlcneaprtyi Toint loef tItaeew if oofr tthhee yeexcaerp tions relating t© state. County and City es has ueen reeently19 p5a3i* d, Tahne d l1as tu ndienrssttaalnmde ntth at© Tt hteh eTsiet ltea n* sCoonw^ianngy wtihlatl ithpeu epr oap esruptpyl etmoe nbte ctoon vietys edF riesi meilneaarry o Rfe paolrlt 1953. taxes. X have discussed the report with Messrs* fraak- ^iet, aud it ia ay understanding that the title report with Mr* H ^ k m to slor laldiv i*s• es yaotui*sfactory to thee* X have asked tle Re*p*o•r*t* ?t?o? ?s•e Issu?e*d* •b*y «t»h e coPnicoenreneirn Tgi ttlhee fInrseuUraainnceer yCo Tni- ­ipany showing pipe line easenents owned by the Water company pman yt hei njtgen|d|s dattoe *© rinItg tihs ias yr eupnodretr sdtoawnnd itn#g Jtuhnaet 3t0hat hT aitnlde tCooe* ieaae it m the elosing date* I m sure Mr. Sweeney, of th e Title company, will nake available to Mr. MeHaaee a fiat ©f the easeaents owned by the Las Vegan Land and inset* Coe^anv £is* *s*at *isgfaj s li fo*r*y1 JtoW Mr.W i p o f w d X *«>— *