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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Collection o f dockage at East San Pedro. June 16, IQ13 * Mr. H. I . Bettis , Auditor. Bear S ir: I hare your le tte r of the 14th in st. in the above matter. The ordinance of the City of Los Angeles now in effect provides, as to collection of dockage, as follow s: " That said rat s of dockage shall be fo r each day of twenty-four (24) hours, or fraction thereof; provided, that any vessel subject to the terms and conditions or this resolution shall not be charged more than one dockage in any one day; where any vessel shall during any one day, dock at more than one wharf, or more than one time at any one wharf, then said one day’ s dockage so charged sh all be divided between the persons, firms or corporations owning or operating said several wharves." Applying this provision to the situation in question as to the Banning boats, X think we are entitled to one-half the dockage fees for the doekapg of vessels at San Pedro. The The docking at Avalon should not be considered, as it is not within the city lim its of Los Angeles, and therefore not a ffe c t­ed by the ordinance. The new ordinance becoming effective July 1st, 1913, provides as fo llo w s: "Said rates of dockage shall be fo r each day of twenty-four (24) hours, provided that a proportionate amount sh all be collected for fractions thereof, with a minimum charge of twenty (20) per cent, of one day1s dock­age fo r vessels engaged in coastwise trade, and a ni^nimum of one f u ll day’ s dockage for vessels engaged in |preign trade You w ill note this provision contemplates collection fo r a fraction o f a day, and some equitable arrangement w ill, have to be agreed upon with respect to these boats. I return your f i l e herewith. Very truly yours,