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upr000168 519


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegan, Nevada June SO, 1944 V £8-3-3 Ur. Hugh A. Shaaberger Assistant state engineer Carson City, Nevada Dear Bughi yhla *111 acknowledge the report by too tty greens oa the Lae Vegas Artesian Basis which we have returned to oar file . dad to learn Mr. Ilaxey, of U.8.Q.S., will be in Las Vegas this euaaer, and I assure yon of oor cooperation. As suggested, we are keeping our eye open for a place for his to live while here. In the event nothing else shows up, possibly he oould be aooonodated temporarily at Is Wayside Inn, 009 0. 0th, whore Ire. Uoreton runs a very nloe and oonfortable auto court. BUI be glad Lae Vegas. yon when yon eons to Tours very truly general Manager