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Y La® Vegas - February 20, 1043 Mr. Frank Strong* Kef erring to my letter Pecember £2nd, regarding inclusion of 1943 budget item to cover Installation of water mains in Kuntrldg© Addition, and Work Order 464 covering the first 100 houses. February End t M # we received a few days ago making application for extension of water mains under Rule 9-0, to the second unit consisting of 188 houses. Consideration of their request developed that it did not conform to Rule 9-C in-as-ouoh as their estimate included 9,070 feet of pip© whereat, 6nly 8,4CC could be allowed under the Pul®, or an excess of 870 feet. After conferences with the subdividere we decided to remedy the situation by* (a) . Adding 7 house® on Maryland Drive, making the total number of houses under this construction 175. (b) . to reduce the number of feet of pipe 400 feet by eliminating the 100 foot stubs in Block £1 from center of easement to eleventh Street to provide for future extension. this will reduce their estimate by $720.00, so the total will now be $24,132.37. Will you kindly submit to Omaha request for authority to enter into the usual fora of agreement covering this extension. As a matter of Information, I might add that we have conferred with local F.H.A. Officers concerning the housing situation here and are ©dvieed that' they are now processing 177 additional units for Huntridge, after which no more F.H.A. approvals will be issued so far as they can tell at the present time. You understand, of court*, that the 17$ houses referred to in Application hereto attached is the balance of the 275 committments already issued, and referred to in my 8-32 Bee. 28; in other word#, the line-up will be* I now submit copy of Mr, Oakey* * letter dated HUKfRXDaa; appitxqk 1st Unit - 100 Houses 2nd a m t - m * ft (#0-464) (Application herewith) (Rroeeseing) i