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    ages to Union Pacific so determined. Any funds remaining in the trust fund after such payment shall be paid to the District, and thereupon said trust fund shall terminate. In the event the pey~ ment made by the Bank of Nevada t© Union Pacific from said trust fund shall be less than the amount of the damages to Union Pacif­ic so determined, the District shall immediately pay the balance of said damages to Union Pacific, Section 11, Union Pacific reserves the right to main­tain a connection with the water transmission main to be sold to the District at location indicated by point marked NN on Exhibit t*An for the purpose of enabling the Union Pacific to obtain water from the District in cases of emergency. Section 12, This agreement shall be executed concur­rently with the agreement hereinabove referred to in the recit­als providing for the acquisition by the District of the water production and distribution facilities of the Union Pacific and the Las Vegas Land and Water Company at Las Vegas, Nevada, and shall remain in full force and effect until the terms hereof have been fully complied with. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement the date first herein written. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY LOS ANGELES & SALT LAKE RAILROAD COMPANY By Attest: “ ' Secretary President Attest: LAS VEGAS VALLEY WATER DISTRICT By President Secretary