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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, March 1, 1922 to May 10, 1929, lvc000002-119


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Las Vegas, Nevada. February 4, 1924. Mayor W. C. German, Las Vegas, Nevada. Dear Sir:- Pursuant to our recent conversation I respectfully submit the following offer with regard to my receiving an appointment as City Engineer of Las Vegas. If the City Commissioners will appoint, me City Engineer and Provide me with office space I will agree to do the following things: Be responsible all engineering records and data and see that they are kept in the proper form for City Engineering data. Will furnish engineering data and advice in connection with any matter being considered by the City Commissioners without additional charge where no detailed field work is necessary. Will do all engineering field work for the City at the charge of $10.00 per day for my time. As the City of Las Vegas is now growing and will continue to grow in the future, some steps should be taken to have the engineering data assembled and kept in a workmanlike manner as these early records become more valuable as the City grows, and some engineer should be appointed City Engineer and made respon­sible for the City records and fieldwork. Respectfully yours, Fred W. Rodolf. Whereupon after due discussion the matter was referred to A. R. Anderson, Street Commissioner. Thereupon, there being no further business to come before the Board at this time, it was ordered upon motion of Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Elwell, that the Board adjourn until Monday, the 18th day of February when it shall meet to consider the budget for the year 1924, and such other matters as shall come before the Board. Voting Commissioners Matzdorf. Shield. Anderson and Elwell. and His Honor the Mayor, W. C. German. Aye. Noes. none. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. LAS VEGAS, CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA. February 18, 1924. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, held on the 18th day of February, 1924, at the hour of seven-thirty o'clock p.m. Present His Honor the Mayor W. C. German, with Commissioner F. E. Matzdorf, C. R. Shield, A. H. Anderson and W. H. Elwell, together with the acting City Attorney, F.A. Stevens and the City Clerk. All bills allowed as per claim book on file in the office of the Clerk. At this time the Clerk read the following communication:- Las Vegas, Nevada, February 18, 1924. TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA. GENTLEMEN: I urgently request that the license of the Lincoln Hotel be revoked, as it has been the Headquarters of the I.W.W. and is a menace to the community. Leo A. Crowley.________ Chief of Police. Whereupon it was ordered, upon motion of Commissioner Anderson, seconded by Commissioner Matzdorf that the Clerk be and she is hereby directed to notify R. L. Kincaid, who holds a mer­cantile license at the Lincoln Hotel, to appear before this Board Tuesday, February 26, 1924, and show cause why said licenses should not be revoked. Voting Commissioners Shield, Anderson, Mat­zdorf, Elwell and His Honor the Mayor, aye. Noes, none. This being the time set for the consideration of the Budget for the year 1924, the matter was now taken under discussion.