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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-256


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada. Las Vegas, Nevada, May 1st , 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas, Nev. held on the above mentioned date, Present Hon. Commissioners C.P. Ball, J.M. Ullom, W.H. Elwell and John F. Miller with the Clerk and City Attorney, upon motion being duly made and carried it was ordered that C.P. Ball be elected as Mayor Protem during the absence of the Mayor. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. All claims against the City of Las Vegas, Nevada read and approved as read except the claims of the Las Vegas Land and Water Company in the aim of $16.11 which was ordered laid over until the next regular meeting for O.K. by the parties ordering the same. and the claim of the Las Vegas Age in the sum of $10.55 for printing which was ordered laid over for approval by the party ordering the same. At this time Mrs Jurden appeared before the Board requesting of the Board that she granted a permit to erect around the grave of her husband a cement curbing whereupon after due consideration upon the part of the Board it was ordered that the Clerk of this Board be and is hereby instructed to obtain from the Cemetery Committee a set of there rules and regulations that govern said cemetery so that the Board may know more fully just what the rules of said Cemetery are, and that this matter be laid over until Monday the 6th day of May at eight o'clock P.M. of said day. The application of the Gas Company of said City requesting that the said Board adopted an ordina­nce amending the ordinance all ready in force in said City regulating the minimum and maximum rates of Gas in said City coming on before the Board it was after due consideration upon the part of the Board, ordered that the following ordinance be read for the first time before said Board as follows towit; "An Ordinance of the City of Las Vegas, Amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 22 of the City of Las Vegas, entitled " An Ordinance Authorizing Consolidated Power and Telephone Company, a corp­oration, its successors or assigns, to construct, operate and maintain gas works in the city of Las Vegas Clark County, State of Nevada. "whereupon after the reading of said ordinance it was ordered by the Board that said ordinance be laid over until the next regular meeting of the Board. There upon it wax ordered by the Board that this Board stand adjourned until Monday evening at eight O'clock P.M. of said day to take up any and all matters that may come before said Board. Office of the City Clark Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas, Nev. May 6th, 1918. At a regular adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, held on the above mentioned date present Hon. W.E. Hawkins Mayor with Commissioners Ball, Ullom, Elwell, and John F. Miller with the Clerk and City Attorney. The Board then proceeded to take up the matter of the request of Mrs Jurdgen for permission to build a cement curbing around the grave of her husband which had been laid over from the last meeting of the Board, whereupon the Clerk then proceeded to read said rules and regulations as formed by said Board, whereupon after due consideration upon the part of the Board it was ordered that said rules and regulations heretofore adopted by said Cemetery committee should be respected and it was the unanimous opinion of this Board that all matters of this kind or nature should be referred to said Cemetery Committee. The Board at there regular meeting having referred certain recommendations made to them by the Counsel of County Defence as relates to the revoking of the Retail liquor license of one Lon Gorssbeck in the City of Las Vegas, and it appearing to the Board that said complaint is matter that is not covered by either charter or ordinance in said City it was upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that a copy of said resolution be certified to by the Clerk of this Board and that the said copy be fordwarded to Unites States Attorney General at Carson City Nevada