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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    ,;-7. /:/>-?,> ’•£>*' '£-~, -1JS/ i*'- J':.i'i'; v ^ ^ B 9 | Jan, 30, 1911. Vjharfage ratee - contract 1061. Mr. H. I . Bettis, Auditor. Dear S i r : I have your favor of January 26 on the above subject inclosing contract with Crescent Wharf & Warehouse Company. Under this contract the Crescent Company agrees that "it shall not charge and collect for ivharfage and stevedore or handling charges upon said lumber and forest products a larger amount that is charged and collected for wharfage and stevedore or handling charges over other wharves at ports handling business for Los Angelesj i t , however, being further agreed that should the charge for wharfage and stevedore or handling services decrease below the amount now charged fo r the same by said parties o f the f ir s t and second part ever their wharves at San Pedro, then the charge of seven cents above provided to be paid by said second party to said f ir s t party sh all be reduced proportionately to such decease)!" I am not able to determine from the ordinance whether the wharfage rates prescribed therein are lower than the onee that prevailed at the time of the making of the contract in question. I f they are lower, then it seems to me the provision of the contract above quoted would ju s tify a proportionate re­duction in the amount to be paid to us by the Crescent Wharf Company under the contract. On the other hand, I note ©n page 3 of the contract that we are to pay the Crescent Company for h&dnling freigh t over our wharves, other than lumber and other forest products,