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Las Vegas City Ordinances, March 31, 1933 to October 25, 1950, lvc000014-507


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    line the point of beginning. Section 5. That the City Clerk shall keep the plats, diagrams and plans of the work and locality to be improved, together with the estimates of the expense thereof, on file in her office for public inspection and Section 6. That the Board of Commissioners of said City will meet at the City Hall in said City on Wed- nesday, the 15th day of November, 1950, at the hour of 3:30 o'clock, P.M., to hear and consider any suggestions and objections that may be made by parties in interest to the proposed improvements, or any matters relating thereto. Objections to said proposed improvements, or any matters relating thereto, may be filed in writing in the office of the City Clerk at any time prior to said meeting. Section 7. That the City Clerk shall give notice of the filing of said estimates, plats, diagrams, and plans with the City Clerk for examination, of the proposed improvement or work, of the location of the improve­ment, of the district to be assessed, and of the time when the Board will meet and consider any suggestions and objections that may be made by parties in interest to the proposed improvements. Said notice shall be given bypublication for at least two weeks in the Las Vegas Evening Review-Journal, a daily newspaper published in said City of Las Vegas every day each week except Saturday, by fourteen insertions therein, and at least fifteen days prior to said meeting by posting said notices in at least three public places in each ward and by posting said notice in the post office of said City. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF DETERMINATION AND INTENTION TO PAVE, CURB AND GUTTER CERTAIN STREETS AND PARTS THERE­OF, TO CREATE STREET IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 100-2, AND TO DEFRAY THE ENTIRE COST BY SPECIAL ASSESS­MENTS, AND OF THE HEARING THEREON. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on October 25th, 1950, the Board of Commissioners and Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, Nevada, adopted and approved an ordinance declaring the Board's determination to make cer­tain improvements by grading and paving certain streets and parts of streets therein with an oil bound gravel pavement, and by constructing curbs and gutters on both sides thereof, wherever said improvements are missing, including alley approaches, together with such appurtenances as may be required, to create a special assessment district designated Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-2 therefor, and to defray the entire cost and expense thereof by special assessments made according to benefits against the owners and the assessable lots, premises and property specially benefited by such improvements and included within said district. The streets and parts of streets so proposed to be improved are: All of Stewart Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the west curb line of 25th Street; all of Ogden Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 14th Street; all of Carson Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 14th Street; excepting the south half of Carson Avenue from the center line of 12th Street to a point 190 feet east; all of Bridger Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 14th Street, except­ing the north half of Bridger Avenue from the east gutter line of 12th Street to a point 20 feet west of the center line of the alley between 13th and 14th Streets; all of Lewis Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 14th Street; all of Clark Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 14th Street, excepting the south half of Clark Avenue from the center line of 11th Street to the west property line of 12th Street; all of Bonneville Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the east property line of 13th Street, except­ing all of Bonneville Avenue from the east property line of 10th Street to the west property line of 12th Street; all of Garces Avenue from the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets to the West property line of 11th Street; all of 10th Street from the north pro­perty line of Charleston Blvd. to the south property line of Stewart Avenue; all of 11th Street from the north pro­perty line of Charleston Blvd. to the South property line of Stewart Avenue, excepting all of 11th Street from the north property line of Bonneville Avenue to the center line of Clark Avenue and from the south property line of Fremont Avenue to the south property line of Ogden Avenue; all of 12th Street from the north property line of Charles­ton Blvd to the south property line of Stewart Avenue; excepting the east half of 12th Street from the center line of Bridger Avenue to the center line of Clark Avenue; all of 13th Street from the north property line of Charleston Blvd. to the south property line of Stewart Avenue, except­ing the east half of 13th Street from the center line of Bridger to a point 100 feet north of the north property line of Bridger and the west half of 13th Street from the center line of Bridger to a point 200 feet north of the north pro­perty line of Bridger; all of 14th Street from the south property line of Clark Avenue to the south property line of Stewart Avenue. Street Improvement Assessment District No. 100-2 shall include all the lots, premises and property that shall receive benefits from the said street improvements and which are included within the fol­lowing described boundaries, to-wit: Beginning at a point in the center line of the alley between 9th and 10th Streets lying 60 feet north of the north property line of Stewart Avenue; continuing east- ward on this line and parallel to the north line of Stewart to the west line of 16th Street; thence easterly