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    F O R M 3 0 - 1 ( L A S T SHE ET ) 5 - 53 - 100M WORK ORDER AUTHORITY—Detail of Estimated Expenditures Lag Vegas Land and Water Company________ .D E P A R T M E N T . .D IV IS IO N • M K T ________ O P ________ t H K I T t November 16, l9 53 l o c a t i o n : Las Vegas , Nevada d e s c r i p t i o n o f w o r k : Construct approxim ately 520 LF o f sute 6" c a st iro n w ater mains and 15 LF o f 6* f i r e hydran^ Va‘lu^ connections to serve the P lu n k ett f r a c t - Las Vegas, Nevada. President's No. Nevada tion Section No. I)epirtment3 S ^ 1’ No.. 1074 R . A N D E . ACCT. No. ITEM Q U A N T IT Y U N IT UNIT COST L A B O R M A T E R IA L TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO I N V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T O P E R A T I N G E X P E N S E S «*A* B 8 “ New Addl t i^ona 1 Prone Construct 520 LF o f mains a t expense o f to Refund. 6w Cast Iro n Pipe Valves & F ittin g s Labor Contract 6 N Cast Iro n Pipe Contingencies * east subdivic. 520 520 iro n er * LF LF w ater Subjeo 1 .7 0 1.25 F ir e hydrants to be sonstrue expense o f Subdivide? - Hot Refund. 6 M Cast Iro n P ip e 15 6** f e e 1 Lead 25 Labor Contract 20 Contingencies ted at su b ject to LF ea lb LF 1.70 22 .25 1.2 5 NOf 2* Dan H. P lu n k ett, Sub Plu nkett T ra ct - Ind requested extension R egulations o f the L the P u b lic S ervice 0 d iv id e r w i l l deposit 10$ f o r overhead and from s a le o f w ater t the Plu n kett fr a c t a ed hereunder during o f sa id in s t a lla t io n sa id w ater mains (e x f i r s t occurs. d iv id e r is t r i a l is develop! i Subd: v is ion sf watei* maids unde sts Vegan Lane, and 1 mnmiaslon. iFpon ex 00 to cover su pervision , subje customers lo c a te d ad tak in g d li'e o t se: Tio) o r u n til Subdivide s lu s iv e o f f i r e hyd ?i 884 109 650 164 26 226 25 1807 87 Coir g Bloc Las V Rule kter bcution the oo t to r in s a l fcvlce krlod f has b ant co cs 1 and ?gas, He o f the pany on o f Agre i&t o f th sfund o f S t o c k s om wate allow in g sen repa in e c tio f:? 2 o f tt ijvada anc Rules f i l e w; slement, te work, 35$ o f 1 and itr mains comple id c o s t ms) whlci e has aind 1th Sub­plus revenue o f in s t a ll­ation ofe ver TO T A L T B W T B W Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_________________ D a t e _________________________ 19 _____j Approved. .Approved 'When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.