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V ic e - Presiden t « Secretary, Treasu rer. S ection 3. In the absence o f the P resid en t from ^ Qff*i ce cr during h is d is a b ilit y , the V ice-P resid en t s h a ll perform the d u ties o f the P re s id e n t. He s h a ll have the gen eral charge and o versig h t c f the^business o f the Company under the d ir e c tio n o f the Board o f D irecto rs* Executive Committee and ..he P re s id e n t, and su bject to such ru les and r e s t r ic t io n s as they may p re s c rib e * He g h a ll a ls o discharge such other d u ties as may be imposed by the Board o f D ire c to rs . S ectio n 4. The S ecretary s h a ll act as s e creta ry of a l l meetings o f the stock h old ers, o f the Hoard o f Dir e c to rs , and o f the Executive Committee and s h a ll keep f u l l records o f the proceedings th e r e o f, and. s h a ll atte s t and a f f i x the s e a l o f the Company to a l l such in stru ments o f con tra ct and conveyance as s h a ll have been approved by the Board o f D ire c to rs . He s h a ll be the custod ia n o f the s e a l o f the Company. . S ectio n 5. The Treasurer s h a ll be t h e ?custodian o f a l l funds cr moneys b elon gin g to the Company, or in - tru s te d to i t by oth ers. He s h a ll also have the care and custody o f a l l n otes, bonds and other evidences o f m - debtedness belon gin g to the Company, except such as may be in the hands o f tru s te e s or c re d ito rs , to secure the o b ligation s o f the Company. He is au th orized to re c e iv e and c o lle c t a l l moneys b elon gin g or coming to the Company and s h a ll have power to r e c e ip t th e r e fo r and to endorse fo r d eposit in such banks or tr u s t companies as s h a ll be approved by the P re s id e n t, to the c r e d it o f the Company, a l l checks, d r a fts , or vouchers payable to i t . is au th orized to pay vouchers, p a y - r o lls , d ra fts or other accounts when approved by the P resid en t or by such person as s h a ll be designated by the P resid en t m w r itin g and approved fo r payment by the Auditor or such person as ma} be design ated by the Auditor w ith the approval o f the P re s id e n t. He is au th orized to draw checks again st any funds to the c r e d it o f the Company in any o f i t s deposit o r i e s but a l l checks drawn by the Treasurer shadl He countersigned by the Auditor or by such person as s h a ll — 6 —