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I agree.1*9 Vega® - June 30, 1950 W 23-1 Mr* R. L* Adamson In connection with the widening of South Main St., the State Highway Department requests that we lower the IS* water stain where It orosses Main St. at Clarfc* At the present tine there Is about one foot of cover over the pipe line at the westerly side of Main St* and about eighteen inohes at the east side* The Highway Department proposes to oonstruot the storm drain via tha westerly side of the street but there Is not sufficient clearance below the water main tc permit them to retain the required grade on the storm drain* In discussing this with Mr* Haag, ws at first considered the possibility of lowering the line about two feet by Inserting 22§° bende| however, it was thought this would create a sand trap obstructing the delivery of water* Besides, It Is not desirable to shut the water off for any extended period of tine In the present hot weather* Am an alternative solution, It was suggested that a box be constructed In the storm drain, at our expense, and leave the elevation of the water main as It is* This Is agreeabls to the Highway Department and 1 attach two oopies of print showing proposed construction, the estimated oost of which is $290*46* I f you oonour, will you Mindly handls tor authority* A* M* Folger