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    K Salt Lake* December 3, 1932* Mr* Knickerbocker; Referring to your letter of November 23rd, file 9436-3-W, regarding water meters to be Installed at Yermo, California, under LVL&W Company WO 206; Herewith Is list of the water users, whloh Indicates size of meter to be Installed. Note that for the Lucian Bell property which / is Bungalow Court, consisting of six dwellings, we are providing 1^H meter. Investigation made sometime ago Indicates one service connection for all these houses. For Mrs. Clara Beebe, Lots 3, 4 and 5 In Block v, 16, Track 1867, It Is proposed to install one 1* meter and provide 1 * /but one service connection, property owner will then re-arrange Vy piping accordingly. rvp> K There Is but one service connection for property owned by Walter Alf, Lots 10 and 11, Blook 1, Track 1997 and for this service we will Install one 5/8* meter. For the Daniel D. Connell property, Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Track 1997, we will install one 3/4* meter; both prop­erties will be serviced from this one connection. */ For t£e properties of James W* Kinney, Lots 2 and 3, l|lock 1, Track /T99/, there will be one service connection and one(5/61 meter. w f For the property of Bruce McCormick, Lots 13, 14 )( and 15, we will install 1* meter and service lines will be rearranged by property owner to take servloe from this one connection. k§ L. COEY. 9-»3 oo-Mr. 32* £• Bennett Attach*