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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-340


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Mayor Baker asked if there was anyone present who cared to ask any questions regarding the proposed budget or make any comments regarding the proposed budget. There being no questions or comments from the audience, Mayor Baker concluded the hearing by stating that, in summary, the increase in the proposed budget is roughly ten to twelve percent over the budget of the current year and the proposed tax rate represents an increase from $1.46 to $1.58 which in his opinion and that of the Board was a reasonable increase commensurate with the population growth of the City and the necessarily increased demands upon the services to be provided by the City. Commissioner Fountain moved that the following budget for the City of Las Vegas for the fiscal year 1959-60 be adopted: SCHEDULE A 1959 - 60 BUDGET (Tentative) CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA ASSESSED VALUATION TOTAL General Roll --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 114,976,369. Personal Property Collected..................- —..............................$ 11,607,824 Uncollected ---------------------------------------- 1,917,176 Total Personal Property------------------------ 13,525,000 TOTAL CERTIFIED ASSESSED VALUATION $ 128,501,369 1958-59 LEVY AND RATE COMPARED WITH 1959-60 1959-60 RATE AMOUNT General Fund----------------------------------------------------$ 1.211 $ 1,556,151.58 Other Funds (List)--------------------------------------- ---------------- Debt Service .369 474,170.05 TOTAL $ 1.580 $ 2,030,321.63 1958-59 RATE AMOUNT General Fund--------------------------------------------------$ 1.090 $ 1,356,480.05 Other Funds (List)--------------------------------------- ---------------- Debt Service .340 423 122 22 TOTAL $ 1.430 $ 1,779.602.27 SCHEDULE B 1959-60 BUDGET (Tentative) CITY OF LAS VEGAS, NEVADA BUDGET FORMULA AND PUBLICATION FORM A. EXPENDITURES: General Fund: General Administration --------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 715.696.48 Public Safety...................................................................-................................ 1,953.100.00 Health and Sanitation ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 42,262.00 Streets and Public Works----------------------------------------------------------------- 827,813.00 Parks and Recreation------------------------------------------------------------------------ 633,945.00 Other Operating Expenses ----------------------------------------------------------------- 199,209.00 TOTAL GENERAL FUND -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4,372 025.48 Debt Service (Bond Retirement Fund) ---------------------------------------------------- 400.,110.50 Other Funds (List) Reserve for Debt Service 376,180.54 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES -..................................................................... 5,148,316.52 3-11-59