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M r. K n ic k e rb o c k e r: # 2 Feb. 20, 1933. ” 1 also recommend very stro n g ly that as soon as p ossib le we secure the draglin e and bury the 24- inch lin e leadin g from the s e t t lin g basin to the r e s e r v o ir . Shis I am sure Mr. A lth o f w i l l concur in , as during his la s t t r ip here we inspected th at lin e and i t was h is suggestion th at i t be covered fo r the p ro te c tio n aga in st both f i r e and vandalism.*1 I t was my understanding th at on account o f the expense and because no d raglin e was a v a ila b le i t was best not to do the work a t th at time, and I would now recommend th at i f the same is now true th at we pick up a gang o f the unemployed here and w ith pick and shovel at le a s t bury the 24-inch pipe lin e from the s e t t lin g basin to r e s e r v o ir , fo r i f anything, f i r e or other depredation, destroy th is lin e we would be abs o lu te ly h e lp le s s, both in the r a ilr o a d yard and fo r water to supply the town, other than to pump i t from the creek in to the water mains. In your l e t t e r o f the 9th, you speak o f Mr. P r a te r ’ s examination o f the lin e , which has referen ce to our 16-inch lin e lead in g from the r e s e r v o ir to the shop yards, and th is lin e is not so important as the lin e from the s e t t lin g basin to r e s e r v o ir ; fo r should the 16-inch lin e burn or be destroyed we have the 24-inch lin e from r e s e r v o ir to town which i s buried and th is would supply a l l water needed. W ill you please advise i f we may have perm ission to proceed w ith the work as above recommended, i f the d ra glin e is not a v a ila b le . Tours tr u ly , V ice President and Agent. co - Mr. A. L. Coey, Mr. B. 1. Adamson. P. S. : Undoubtedly the c le a rin g work o f 25 fe e t around our s e t t lin g basin and spring house, which we did la s t F a ll, saved those b u ild in gs from d estru ctio n . W.B.B.