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    n ? ? A jDRM WPB —3348 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ? (10-26-^3) WAR PRODUCTION BOARD STATEMENT OF CONFORMITY TO UTILITIES ORDERS U-l-d OR U-l-h, OR WITH THE HOUSING UTILITIES STANDARDS BUDGET BUREAU NO. 12-R1604 APPROVAL EXPIRES SEPTEMBER 30. 1944 NAME OF UTILITY Las Tegas Land and Water Company ADDRESS (Street. City, State) 401 South 2nd St. INSTRUCTIONS - Four (4) copies of this form should be filled out upon request of the Federal Housing Administration, Federal Public Housing Administration, U.S.D.A. County War Board, or War Production Board District Office. After it has been signed, three (3) copies are to be presented to the builder, two (2) of them for insertion in his appli­cation file. This form supersedes Forms WPB-2710 (UF-26) and WPB-1290 (PD-545) for cases to which it is applicable. See additional ins true- tions on reverse side. TYPE OF SERVICE REQUESTED— ? ELECTRIC 1*1 WATER n GAS ? STEAM HEAT IDENTIFICATION OF BUILDER'S PROJECT Grocery Store NAME OF BUILDER Claude L. Adams STATEMENT OF UTILITY - THE UNDERSIGNED CERTIFIES EITHER (l) THAT UTILITY EXTENSIONS TO SERVE THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED PRO­JECT CAN BE BUILT UNDER THE CONDITIONS ESTABLISHED IN UTILITIES ORDERS U-l-d OR U-l-h,. OR (2) THAT, IN CASES WHERE UTILITY EXTENSIONS TO SERVE DWELLINGS WlLL COST MORE THAN $5,000, THEY CAN BE BUILT WITH 1N THE HOUSING UTILITIES STAN­DARDS AND THE UTILITY WILL FILE AN APPLICATION WITH RESPECT TO THEM ON,F0RM^WPSp27T4. A Las Tegas Land & Water Company By NAME OF UTILITY SIGNATURE OF AUTHORISED OFFICIAL Oetoher 30, 1944 General Manager DATE TITLE SECTION 35(A) OF THE UNITED STATES CR1M1NAL CODE, 18 U.S.C. SEC. 80, MAKES IT A CR 1M 1NAL OFFENSE TO MAKE A WILLFULLY FALSE STATEMENT OR REPRESENTATION TO ANY DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY OF THE UNITED STATES AS TO ANY MATTER WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION. GPO— War Board 8350A—-p. 1