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    Question 12. S tate, if you know, th e norm al num ber of cubic feet per second flowing in th e ppprce % a t you r point of diversion. A n sw er: ,...... 1 *,3.4— .............................................—- — -.....................................-............ -.......................................... I F W A T E R IS U SED FO R IRRIG ATIO N A N SW E R T H E FO LLO W IN G : Question 13. Upon how m any acres have you beneficially used w ater ? A n s w e r : ......................................................— -----...— ................................................................ Question 14. Give th e number of acres in each legal subdivision. neves in th e ......... ............... of Sec........... .......... , T .............. ........, R ...................... E . ................................ acres in th e ............... ............... of Sec...................... , T .............. ........I R ........... .......... E . of Sec. H I T .............. ........, R ............ .......... E . in t.Tifi .of Sec........... .......... , T .............. ........, R ............ .......... E . ................................ acres in th e ............... ............... of Sec........... .........., T .............. ........, R ........... .......... E . neves in the. _____ of Sec........... ........... T ................ ........, R ........... .......... E . (Enumerate only the land upon which water has been actually used.) Question 15. H ave you installed a headgate and w eir a t your point of diversion, as required by th e term s of you r p erm it? Give approxim ate dimensions of headgate. A n s w e r :................................ -.......... ............r.............—................ .......—............................—............... .................................................... Question 16. Do you use th e rotation system fo r irrig atin g ? A n sw er: ........yiAZa.-..— ................. .................................................................................. ........................-....... Question 17. W h at is th e ch aracter of th e soil irrig ated ? A n sw er: ............... .............................................................................— ------------- ^...i.— .............. I F W A T E R IS U SED FO R STO C K -W A TER IN G OR DOMESTIC PU R PO SES A N S W E R T H E FO LLO W IN G Question 18. Give detailed description of works of diversion and m anner by which w ater is stored fo r beneficial use, em bracing approxim ate dimensions of dam a t source, size and length of pipe, and size and num ber of tanka o r trou gh s. I f troughs are not used sta te exactly how w ater is stored fo r beneficial use. A n s w e r :..................... — ........ ——....... H .........E —.............. -.............!.................................................-............... -.............. Question 19. Give approxim ate number and kind of anim als w atered. A n sw er: .......... I........................I........................... -......... I.................-----..............— ............. I F W A T E R IS U SED FO R P O W E R OR MINING AND M ILLIN G PU R PO SES A N SW E R T H E FO LLO W IN G : Question 20. W h at are th e dimensions of th e diversion headgate and carryin g capacity of th e con­duit in cubic feet per second? Is w ater diverted by ditch, pipe or flume? A n sw er: I ’Question 21. W h at are th e dimensions of th e cross-section of th e pipe, flume, ditch or other conduit a t each change in cross-section, and th e length of each portion of th e sam e size ? A n sw er: ............................................................................................................................................... .......................-4sW.-.—.................. Question 22. W h at is th e average grade or difference in elevation between th e term ini of th e conduit? Give th e grades of th e different sections of conduit as shown above. A n s w e r :......................................— :................................................ ...........................................E.......-.................... ................................. Question 23. Give any inform ation concerning diversion and use of w ater fo r power or mining not covered above. A n sw er: ...........................................—...................................-.............................. H ....................... ................. — ................................ I F W A T E R IS U SED FO R A N Y P U R P O S E NOT H E R E T O F O R E NAM ED D E S C R IB E F U L L Y U N D ER R EM A R K S : R em ark s: (Give all information relative to the method of use of water and any other matters you deem important) The m ap m ade in substantiation of th e claims herein, prepared under m y instructions and authority, shows th e actual conditions on th e prem ises. Signed: ........................ ................ ............................... —......... I hereby certify th a t th e foregoing testim ony w as read to th e above subscriber before its signing, and I believe him to be th e person he represents him self to be, and th a t said testim ony was subscribed and sworn to before m e a t m y office in.................................................~......, County of....................................................... , S tate of..............................I..,.,................:,..., on th is....... .......... day of............................................ A . D. 192.............. .KLO-taJ-y-Pub-li-c.