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    8& l«aa* Sheet - Mosta o f Doeeaber, 1519. I ISM AMOUKT Loans STOCK 11 C apital Stock 11-1 cgmon Capital Stock Total C apital Stock • AFFILIATES) QQKPABIE3 ll£ ° Loa Angelas & S a lt Lake B.B.C©» CPBBEBT LIABILITIES 12° Touchers Payable UBAPJP3TKD CREDITS 13° Accraed D ep recia tion 13-1 Accd.Depn. Redwood P ip e Laid in 1905 13-2 AcodeDepn. Wrought Iron P ip e L a id in 1907 13-3 Aocd-Depn. Bought Iron P ip e Laid in 1910 13-4 Accd.Depn ° Redwood pip o L a id in 1910 13-5 Acod.Xtopm. w ater S c re ic s Connections 13-6 Aood.D ejn. Booming House Linen 13-7 AoftdoDepno Booming Bouse B u ildin g 13-8 AcedoSepoo Booming House B lankets, etc* 13- 9 AeedoDepoo Boeming House F u rn itu re, e tc . 13-10 Aeed.DepQo Feur Beem Cottages 13-11 Aead.Depn. Fine Boom Cottages 13-12 AeodoSopB. H o s p ita l B u ild in g 13-13 AoadoDepn. M iscellan eou s Bqulpfwnt 1&*&4 AoedcDepno E le c t r ic L ig h t System T o ta l Acernod D epreciation 14° Other Unadjusted C red its 14- 1® Accrued ta xes Estimated 16° Accounts Bopayabl• l? o Aceoun ts Beeo 1 lo o t i b l o f e t a l unadjusted C re d its 00HP0BATB SUBPLUS P r o f i t and Loss C rsd it Balance DeseJzber 31, 1918 P r o fi t and Loss C rsd it Balance Current Tear insane C re d it Balance T ran sferred fr o n Sheet 3* fetal Corporate Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES 50 000.00 12 094°20 2 221o37 1 314° 29 586° 29 708°74 81°60 4 709°88 289.05 2 367.19 8 127o 14 8 940.72 1 46So40 382.55 103° 86 6 967°38 225 975°92 357.32 226 33524 5 188c02 50 OOOoOO 50 000 00 150 707ol7 2 800 31 43 395.28 6 967. 38 54 604. 29 231 521°26