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O f f ic e r s an d D ir ec to r s TH O M A S A. CAM PBELL \ P R E S ID E N T LAS V EG A S V SPENCER L. BUTTERFIELD ALLEY WATER DISTRICT V IC E -P R E S ID E N T W ILLIAM C O U LTH A R D S E C Y .-T R E A S . L A S V E G A S . N E V A D A 900 SO UTH STH S TR E E T HARRY E. M ILLER JA M E S CASHM AN T E L E P H O N E B 9 2 0 C ap M ann— Cornw all A p ril 7 , 1954 M r. W o . Reinhardt, V lc o -F re sldont lew Vegas land and W ater Company 422 W o p Sixth Stroot lo t Angelos 14, C alifornio la s V o f lo i W o t t r S u p p l y I n c r o a i o Door M r. Roinhardft thank you for responding to promptly to oar A p ril 1 letter requesting and urging that the las Vegas land and W ater Company Immedia tely proceed to develop or acquire additional p ro d ie - Hen fa cilities In time to effecHvoiy oepe with the critica l water condition anticipated A irin g the earning summer. K t pointed out In your A p ril 5 letter, the statements and recommendat ions made by M r. J . M . M ontgom ery, District Engineer, w ith respect to both the urgency and feasibility a4 Increasing the water supply before the heavy demand begins are based on a study of the situation. This aas undertaken seme time ago when it was anticipated that the District might be In e position fo take over end operate the local system at an earlier date than Is now possible. A detailed report containing definite recommendations and cost estimates Is expected to be completed w ithin the next week or ten days. As soon as It becomes a va ila b le , you w ill be furnished w ith a copy as requested. As a result o f the prelim inary Information furnished by I k . M ontgom ery, the District Is firm ly of the opinion that an additional 4 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 to 5 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 gallons d b lly can be withdrawn as a temporary expedient In order to meet the Impending summer emergency - and that the necessary stops to that end should be taken b y your company as quickly as possible. In making the survey So develop ways and moans of meeting the anticipated summer water shortage em ergency, M r. Montgomery has drawn on the experience of specialists In the field o f ground water engineering. State Engineer Hugh A . Shamberger and his staff have else been cooperating In the study and M r. Montgom ery's Anal recommendations w ill be made w ith his h ill knowledge. The D istrict rooognlaos, of course, that the "b o ttle -n e ck" Is In the present Inedeqw li reserve! r capacity ef the las Vegas Land end W ater Company system. Even w ith a curtailed yield resulting from a lower water table this summer, It appears that the present maximum production capacity o f existing wells might be sufficient If production during slack consumption periods could be stored for peak demand . Since It w ill net be passible for either your company or the D istrict to odd needed reservoir capacity before the period o f heavy deman d , the only alternative appears to be In tempora rily supplementing production hem the underground source by a minimum o f 4 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 gallons do lly TA C ifb