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    *4- H *. ' * ' -- ' ; " . " - .' ' ' . . ' . V , .. " '"4- ^ It , ^ The eq^rset ^nab)e^$^ny wpman to appear we!! ^upported^ ..Tn B GOLDPTELD DAILY TRIBUNE *y: . -' ' ;-""-=ir-—-."- - . ' -_ ..< - — . ... —— VOD. 1, NO. 186. ^ W ^ < '. . . GOLDFIELD^ NEVADA, FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 39, 190^ PRICE 10 CENTS IRmiCmSHAd KILLED IN WRECK t f ^ % Southern Pacific Traio Running Forty Wiles an Hour Runs Into Open Switch .-f And Ope Hundred Passengers in Hay Coaches Serious!y injured in the Crash ^ -T-" .................----------------- ... ^ ...... , , . By Associated Press. Engineer Wormington and Fire- tion and escaped uninjured. ^ which was hurled from the track caused by the crew of switch en- even time to whistle a warning COLTON, March 28.—One of man Crebb both jumped but. Out of about 80 Pullman p3s and-had both ends crushed by the gine No. 1, leaving the switch much less reverse the throttle or the most disastrous wrecks in the failed to get clear of the wreck- sengers but two sustained seripus impact. But two members of the -open. The'overland was due at set the brakes when ' the engine history of the Southern Pacific oc- age and both were badly scalded, dnjury. ' ' ' company were injured out of a'Los Angeles-this morning/, and left the tr%ck. turned over on"on^ curred a mile and a half east of George Sharp of Munehe, Ind., Thyee Pullman coaches and the total of 22^,. Miss Roberts herself was nearly twelve hours behind side and plowed a great distance here shortly after 4 o'clock this was instantly killed. * diner which was located at the escaped unharmed. time. There was absolutely no along the right df way. afternoon when the west bound The baggageman of.-the train, rear of the train-dyl not l&ave tl^e The injured number about 100 warning of the impending eatas- The broken wreckage of the passenger from New Orleans for name unknown, was also killed, j^raek. ^ \ and many of them are so seriously trophe. The engineer saw the sigS' day coach and smoker is filled San Francisco ran into an open John Golden, the conductor of The Florence Roberts meat- Agj^red that they will die.-* nal of the open switch when but with the bodies of the dead. It switch while going forty miles an the train, was in the Pullman sec-Irical company occupied a coach y?vSwie devilment of the train was a `few vards distant_and had not was a miracle that the 'wreckage hour. - ' ' ^ ' - ' ' - ' ......."% ' ' " ^ -^' -......---------------------- did^iot catch*fire. EARLY RBUMPT!ON OF WORHUnprH][ OOTLODK NEVER BR!BHTER FOR COLO- THE M!NES !M THE FORECAST y HE6OUAT)OMS .00 TRROM6R splinters. . ,- - ' moved to the hospitals. Plush .Most of thh dead were Italians seats were torn from the coaches, from New York and New Orleans Certain forces are at work in the present labor controversy 'The district has never been in such prime condition from bedding taken from the Pullmans going to San Francisco. They oc- which indicate a very early and almost unexpected adjustment of every standpoint and once the trouble becomes history, Goldfield . am the roadside converted into a cupied the smoker and the day dHf.yenressnd the resumption of work in all the mines "" will spurt in a manner that will astonish the world. Her mines temporary hospital. Several of coaches. Eighteen dead were re- differences and the resumption of work m ah the mm*!. ^ the verge of discoveries that will perhaps have no parallel those taken from the wreckage moved to local undertaking estab- Conferences were held yesterday and last evening by the par- ^ mining recdrds. Dozens of them are in ore of fabulous value, expired before a 'conveyance could Hshments. ties in interest looking to a speedy settlement, and, although ^The city itself is becoming more metropolitan and cosmopolitan be had to carry them to Colton. By 8 o'clock, eight additional nothing whatever is given out fof publication, The Tribune can every day. The people are on tip %oe. All needed is the word Half an hour possed before any bodies could be seen underneath safely say that the outlook has never been brighter for Gold- "go" and this may be spoken at any time. * medical aid could lie secured, one of the overturned and demol- geld than it is at present. Of course, in matters such as this, in- In the meantime, individual and even organized effort is di- The impact was so great that ished cars. This car could not be volving so many vital points, extreme care has to be exercised, rected towards a settlement with every prospect of unqualified thr,ee cars were almost complete- be raised until a derrick was se- and the elements now operating are observing unusual caution. success. ty telescoped. Death came to a ecured from Los Angeles, 60 miles___ . , _______ score of the victims instantly. away. But two white persons are .......... ................. _________________ The wrecked train is the regular S=S-S-"-": K." =^.:.*=lMMnt3in of Almn is latest :ES*?:SHS.? Mstovesant Waiter lake I== imn rA!! ]\ [ [[ ! !!tl!r 3 diet of not guilty by reason of 8 r----------- 3 embezzlement, preferred by 8 AT H AAMTHAAHtME * fMtav tv vvl!<aa a insanity. Justice Miller then 8 8 Now it's alum. t ^ 3 Robert Barton, the lessee of the 8 A [ [1/1W [ [[[)[$ [!{] TTMIhlUmn 3 ordered her committed to th<p 8 8 If there's anything else that the mother earth of Nevada can 8 5 Misst-sr. The formal complaint 8 *** Urtw HttvtSl*L * ! HU!M]!-H 3 asylum at Mattewan. 8 8 give up to the inquisitive hand of man, its identity is being 8 II cnarges Dimond with appropri- 8 t < so !l!KUuUH 88888888888888888 guarded. 8 3 !A[ ----------------- . William Kockel of Kockel Bros., operating in the Walker K VTn!)L --------- THUH H AP THfP HAUinP ^ Lake district, and who is doing some work for the Nevada Met- K ---------- Seventeen City Dads Of Sun Fran- [HAW HA\ [W([ n!!! K\2 als company, came into the city^yesterday with several samples 8 THPMBMNPTTPUMMnEntP --------- ^.Confess Having Recmyed *"A!T HM [HU HUUMg strong -t^ !f)t WOlllSmE WONMRtS Judge ^ard of SeattleArrives at Bribes to Vote for Franchises [[p A[t()AiV 8 ored crystals—good enough to eat at first blush—but—well, 8 THC MIME Esmeralda County Seat to of Corporations Whose O8icials "A ftUVi*I 8 don't. 8 [Hr MAMr Take Up the Defense of Jack are Under Arrest. _______ * ** Kockel found the deposit one miie from the lake up Deep 8 nmm< Hines, the Slayer of Podhorsky, _____ T_____ T , _ ,Tr- Tr, 8 Creek canyon. There is a spring there and ali around it and 8 _______ f tir(fGrii? With"a Rnnning Fire P^^c^^ally over the entire surface of the surrounding country is 8 Davis & Wheeler Decide to tncorpo- _______ HET„,E„ cn m at mmuc i' of OnesMons ^ ^ found this aium. 8 rate the Neliie and Jim Ciaims ---------------------------------------------- BFTWF FB S M H Q NR Question. ^ Nitre has been foundin Death Vaney. 8 at Wonder gp inpT]p DDgTMPDHnnM IFLinULLR !J m mumu ! _ ^ 888888888888888 88 888888888888888 ^ --------- (U AKU!L H!{Q!nLKH(!()O NEW YORK, March 28.—Harry ' ^ *- ^ ^ ' "<- quired*^ l^ell^and'^Tt ------------------mm------------------ By Associated Press g_ Thaw for two hours today sub- 4!^ 4^^ Wonder claims at g ^ Tribune. SAN FRANCISCO, March 28.—No mitted himself to a running Rre of ^ as the ' Monn^te^ WondM°^hese HAWTHORNE, Nev., March 28.— indictments were returned today by questions from the three men properties adjc^nlhe Nevada Wonder There are no new developments in the grand jury and oniy six itnes- pointed by Justice Fitzgerald as a —^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ " anr run contlguous wit!J R ^ J n^lr the Hines case today, the grand jury ses were examined Assistant dis-commission in lunacy to determine. MM)] nf )PPH!*n mn FH!n!<n OntinntO iy 1000 feet.^ It h^ Sesame r^h^ingunabie to proceed owing to itn- trict attorney stated that a subpoena his present state of mind. W![ HP SS!F[l PHR PHR fl RRH]!!! \ surface showings Ld two%nnd P°rtant witnesses in the case not hav- to appear before the grand jury on The examination was held behind "'LL UL !VVULU ' U!I ! UUL'U VU!IUULJ ana two good ^ d Saturday was served today on the dosed doors. After the commission __________ ^nsational *"^appea^d. ^ ^ oSacials of the Western National Rnished the session today it ad- ^ i/! + ' es return as hieh aq trench- ^ to assist in the case He not bank and the United States National imirnpd until Raturdav morning GoldReld school board met and other school omcials. es return as high as $374. assist in tne case. Me not bank of this city ^ ^ last evening in the office of A. A. Mr. John R. McKay was re-elected O'* the Daisy Wonder heavy de- ^ defense as a "e hope," he, "to clean up RIOTERS KIDDED BY ^odd in the Nixon block and <s pne} principal at a salary of $250 per done and t^Brotherhood^of wh"^^ aJdMr* both the PaciHc States and Home ROUMANIAN SODDIERS the most important items of the month. ^ple!ed a ^5 HlneJ are m^mbers Judge Bard's Telephone companies' bribery deais -------- meeting, took up the project of a An appropriation of $350 was re- he !nsttlled Thf .KT** ar^l warihe lubject of a ^ ^ ^ , ^ school buiiding. It is proposed commended for the nurchase of a mstaiied. The shaft will be **t"V'" suoject ot a scene on Saturday. By^ press. ^ also to establish a night school and ] Ub?^r^r chi!dren It^was flso rf to the 100-foot ievei and then often written about but seldom wtt- AI1 Hve members of the Pacific BUCHAREST, March 28.—Efforts ^ kindergarten duri^ the coming, commended ^th Jt an an^onrtati^n ^osscutting wiii commence. nessed, and the reunion of himsetf. States Telephone company's execu- of the government to suppress the gchod term. nf f ^ appropriation rp^ gg horse power hoist for the Hines and his wife, Judge and Mrs. tive board have been subpoenaed to revolt of peasants met with only a ^ vr m ^ ^ Goldheld Amethyst is now on thu Cochran, was a scene long to be re- come before the inquisitorial body, partial success. Troops are now act- A moMon was made by ^ T. Pat-} ^riak An appropriation of $1000 pr.p.rty a^itin^ completion of ^ membered by the oHlciai witnesses, Aii<witnesses from Los Ang'ele%,were ing with increased energy. A large ^ Pen*I ^ ^ maintenance gaiiows frame and engine room Jack A conference of ali parties was excused today and it-was state<^hey number of rioters have been killed ^,000 to r^n ten yeay and to bear of a night school. Davis has always b^en Mai ^ ^ld In which Judge Vermilyea took would start at once for home.#Thus in numerous conflicts with the sol- annum t Jg,,%,t ;IV. Important Recommendations ' Amethyst on account of the rich sur- a prominent part, and the presenta- far seventeen of the eighteen super- diers. * - ... . ' ^gggRoarv to nav oif the The recommendations presented [face showings on that property, and t*on of Hines' story to the grand visors have confessed to the grand ----------------- by Principal McKay, which are to be! he expects to encounter the Great he iooked forward to jury their acceptance er bribes. imnED tM 1 TIMP) E AM will he used for the erection of f f°I°wed in the running of the busi- Bend vein at no late date. within a day or so. The oniy unconfessed supervisor W][Fr\ ]M A [AM].]r [)M school building The motion of the GoldSeid schools, were---------------It was an unusual thing for a man is George Duffy. W!!H<3 HI A !AMULL UAnewjchool^huii^ng. The motion]^ favorably by the Dying of Asphyxiation under indictment for a capita! crime Indictments charging Louis Giass, THE PH APT „<< ^ i... I hoard. AH last years teachers have By Associated Press. ' t° Present a persona! statement to- vice-president of the Paciac States [Hf [,[)A\[ re-appointed. SAN FRANCISCO, March 27.— his body of examiners, bat in this Telephone company, with the brib- ^ ^ hHv<^at least ten ciaaa rnnms with The hew appointments were: Co- Sydney Salisbury, a son of Monroe hy the insistence of Mr. Hines, ery of nine supervisors have already --------- r,mce fer the nrincinai and =cheni ^ M. Paine of Lincoln, Neb., who Salisbury, is dying at a !ocai hospital believing In the justice of his ac- been returned and the statement has The Western Union service was t,-,-/. There n?i?i he tn,e ueera and ^il be the teacher of English lit- the resuit of asphyxiation. It is carried such weight with been* authoritatively made that the thoroughly demoralized last night, na.emont and th. =anitnrv arrange- crature and declamation; Leia E. sieged to be to be an attempt to his attorneys that they consented to grand jury is now prepared to indict owing to storms prevailing for the including ventilation etc Eddy, Rochester, N. Y., first primary commit suicide. ** If a Giass for bribery of three other su- past- few days. he ncrfcct ^ There will Arnha- *^^^cher; Katherine Gehrett, Chica- -------------— , Th^t he will be bound over for pervisors. These latter indictments, No guarantees of any kind couid - . undorgarton SO, instructor of drawing and teach- WHI Hang Today. ;F , ^ a foregone conciusion but it- is understood, are not to be re- be made, and but one line was work- " er in the grades; Helen A. Meighan, SAN RAFAEL, Cal., March 28.__ , ^ his statement before the grand turned this week. Detective Burns ing to the east. The bond issue of !8O M0 wiii be Duiuth, Minn., instructor in physic- Leon Soeder, convicted of murdering ,Y ^ stated tonight that Abraham H. Det- Message for the east were sent h-fo-. the neonle of GoldSeid ^ culture and teacher in grades; his brother-in-iaw for insurance Yf? t ^** weiler, who the grand jury indicted oniy as far as Tonopah, from there ^ y. -Mncd bv Cecelia Meighan, Helen, Minn., money, wiii hang at San Quentin to- ^ ^ counsel and himseif. on thirteen counts for bribery on repeated to Reno, thence to Hazen ° grammar grade. ^morrow. behalf of some telephone company, f.r distribution to ultimate destina- * majority ^e t^ issue wiii go ....... 88888888888888888 ^, ' "yM'K? 1'"r:Nick D*Afcy Strikes $90.00 Ore E2=^^'75 '°°°" ^ *'K%sas: & M.r, On Famous Wonder View Property S !rm„ Tl,n,Tr S . .. , . .. At.l.„..r^,.Mb,A.W.Hbb-,M<.tt,.b,„b„^.. Kp.rM.,..,. Tr.m. !r.mK bai! at $10,000 on each. The grand ------------------ A resolution was aiso passed to gqn yesterday from Nicholas DIArcy The Wonder View was put out by 3 Marysville are expected to be 8 jury adjourned until Saturday ^^ K^fs Coming Fhe!r^meetK ^nday'nigM C.nveyed ^ the information that a 8 running in .ve days. 8 PANAMA March 28__The Na- ^TOKIO, March 28.—It is procure the issuance of a special strike of $90 ore had been made dh results. Sixty doiiar ore was found ** Steamers have brought the 8 ! ' ' . . ed that General Kuroki will repre- school tax of 50 cents per $100. The the Wonder View property at Won- some time ago but Mr D'Arcy was ** People from Hooded districts to 8 tional assembly has been convoked g^t the Japanese army at the James- proceeds of which tax are to be usedj der. The telegram added that the I sanguine Of getting better returns 3 places of safety. R is extraordinary session for April 15. town exhibition. to pay the principa!^schqql directors property would undoubtedly be plac- He is now making good._____________8888888888888888 Keep Go'df!e'd Before the World by MaiHng the Tribune Annuai Review