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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 5527 C .S. T o be enclosed in Mailgram Envelope Si MAILGRAM To Save Telegraphing— Use this blank for all messages sent late in the day where immediate answer is not required and for messages to stations that may be quickly reached by train. < PERSONAL & COUPIDISUTIAL Las Vegas, Hev. Peb. 14, 1929. Mr. P. H. Knickerbocker: I have had many visits within the past few days from a Mr. R. P. Crittenden in reference to purchasing ground, and trying to purchase from the city acreage which we contemplate re-deeding to the city C£?e?ing f4 r“ground site» 8X1(1 many other plans which seem to me to be only those of a visionar yw phriocmho theer ,h asw hiicn hm iinsd , also the opinion of Leo and Hesse, the mayor. He claims to be a verv warm friend of Mr. Gray, and while I have tried to explain to him that we have no acreage for sale, and in the terms of our re-deeding to the city, they will not be able to dispose of any part of the 30 acres, hveis esde ehmiedm ttoo tcahliln k ont hyato u tpheersseo noabljleyc.tions could be overcome, so I ad­Yours truly, W, R. Bracken.