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S pecial Committee « 5/ls/O® * F ile 613. fey p u ttin g sheet rubber over the lea k s, covering which sheet-iron bands were put on and screwed down t ig h t ly . In two instances a good job ha® not been done and the pip© is s t i l l lea k in g th ere, disch argin g p o s s ib ly f i v e hundred g a llo n s o f water a day a t an outside estim ate. Therrepairs th at have been made to the pipe between the tank and r e s e r v o ir , during the past s ix months, have not cost more than f i f t y d o lla r s . G en erally speaking, the con dition o f the pipe lin e is s t i l l f a i r l y good and I am o f the opinion th a t, w ith occasion a l small rep a irs in the way o f stopping new leaks r e s u ltin g from rust h o les, and p o s s ib ly the occasion al su b stitu tio n o f a new len g th o f p ip e, from the stock on hand when one o f the present len gth s becomes too much decayed f o r s e rv ic e , the lin e can be depended upon f o r at le a s t one year lo n ger and probably f o r a considerable len gth o f time beyond th at, and the cost o f making rep a irs w i l l be sm all. Therefor© I would not recommend p u ttin g in a new pipe lin e at th is time. There is no danger o f the pipe suddenly g iv in g way and cu ttin g o f f the supply o f water to the tank i f reasonable watchfulness over the lin e is e x ercised . The lin e should be inspected by the water se rv ic e foreman every fo r tn ig h t or month and a l l leaks found should be stopped. The waste from a h a lf a dozen small leak s would be in s ig n ific a n t compared w ith the water which is d e liv e r e d by the pipe and would probably not exceed 5000 g a llo n s d a ily and p o s s ib ly not h a lf that amount. Yours tr u ly , IGT/a