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    in no event shall there he less than 36" of covering over such water mains. All workmanship, material and installation of said water mains shall he subject to the approval and the acceptance of a duly authorized representative of the Company, 3, At Subdivider’s sole cost and expense to survey and accurately stake upon the ground the line along which said water mains are to he laid, and to indicate street and alley grades by appropriate stakes, 4, To furnish the Company easements, satisfactory in form, where pipe lines are to he laid in other than dedicated streets and alleys, said easements to he five (5) feet on each side of the center line of said pipe line, 5, To provide the Las Vegas Land and Water Company with a policy of title insurance showing: streets or alleys, or in areas dedicated for public utility purposes; that the dedication of such streets and alleys, or areas for public utility purposes, permits the laying of water lines and that any suhdividion map with respect thereto has been duly signed by all owners of record of the land in­volved, and duly recorded. (a) Where pipe lines are located in dedicated (b) Where pipe lines are located in other than dedicated streets and alleys, or dedicated public utility areas; that the easements referred to in Subdivision 4 hereof grant to the Company a valid private easement for pipe lines in said easement area. -3- A-/?3