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    S A N P E D R O , L O S A N G E L E S A N D S A L T L A K E R A IL R O A D C O M P A N Y Mr. B. C. Thackery» ?• F .* Luckenb&ch S. S. Co.* San Francisco * C a lif. Dear Mr. Thaokery:- 1 have bad in terview s with Captain S&nberg recen tly .rela tive to the new ra les and. regu lation s promulgated by tli© Harbor Commissioners* copy o f which I presume you have. *hen No. 4o cars® out we were a l l very much s ta r tle d , as the paper* announced that any person using; the municipal dock# could do ao without expanse, so fa r as handling charges were con­cerned. In an in terview we had about a weak ago* our C hief Counsel c a lle d our a tten tio n to No* 43* which a p p lie s to ?suni© owned docks a t Wilmington and the Outer harbor. I t appear® from that that the c i t y has the r ig h t, o r e x e rcis e s the r ig h t, to per­mit any consignee who d e sire s to handle h ie own fr e ig h t to take same from sh ip ’ s ta ck le without paying any handling charge what­ever. (O f course in a l l cases the wharfage charge isuat be paid) • On the oth er hand* should the c it y do the handling* they w ill charge fo r such s e rvices the actual co st* plus ten per cen t. I do not know a s in g le consignee in Los Angeles who could a ffo r d to keep stevedores to handle his" own business. The on ly way th is can be* or has been* done is through a truck company, who* I am advised, charge 15# par hundred pound®, or S . 3 . Q 0 per ton* to take business from t h e Wilmington dock and d e liv e r to store door. This p ric e w ill average con siderably more than our fr e ig h t chargee* plus the dray&ge charge * from our depot to sto re door* and I think you w ill agree with m that should the c it y undertake to h ire stevedores and charge consignee what they pay ou t, plus ten percent fo r supervision* i t would exceed any amount paid -at present. From what the captain has stated to me, you were rather fe a r fu l that on account o f these orders issued by the Harbor So mrniesloners you may be forced* in order to p ro te c t your own in te r e s ts * to leave our side o f the harbor-. I t is needless fo r n# to say to you that w® would reg ret exceedingly your takin g such a ctio n * and i t is with the view o f ex p la in in g fu lly the situ a tio n to you as I view i t * that I am w ritin g th is le t t e r . Should you decide to go to the Outer harbor, I would c a l l your a tten tio n to the fa ct* which I presume you p o s s ib ly