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I fei APPENDIX A January 3, 1944, p rovidin g fo r the annual d e liv e ry of 300,000 a c r e fe e t of w ater to the State fr o m storage in Lake M ead; and 12. WHEREAS, pursuant to said con tract with the United States and the law s of the State of Nevada, the State and the W ater D is tr ict have .en tered a con tra ct dated June 14, 1951, p rovidin g fo r the sale and d e liv e ry to the Water D istrict of certain water fr o m storage in Lake M ead; and 13. WHEREAS, it is the intention of the p arties h ereto that the w ater to be d e liv ered by BMI fo r and on behalf of the Water D is tr ict, as h erein a fter p rovid ed , shall be water to which the Water D is tr ict shall be entitled at the p resen t or in the future by virtue of said Water D is t r ic t 's p erm its or ce rtifica te s of appropriation fr o m and con tra cts fo r the d e liv e r y of water fro m storage in Lake M ead; and 14. WHEREAS, it is the further intention of the p a rties h ereto that the W ater D is tr ict shall, as h ereinafter p rov id ed , obtain and pay fo r e le c t r ic en ergy req u ired to d eliver water fo r and on beh alf o f thq W ater D is tr ict; and 15. WHEREAS, certain benefits fr o m the p e rfo rm a n ce of this a greem en t w ill be r e c e iv e d by the p arties h ereto, the State of N evada, and the United States, and som e of such benefits which m a y b e e x p e c ted a re as fo llo w s: TO THE W ATER DISTRICT: The im provem en t and p ro te ctio n of pu blic health among inhabitants of the Water D is tr ic t and the encouragem ent of trade, industry and c o m m e rce in the Las V egas V alley. TO BM I: The p ro v isio n for em e rg e n cy water d e liv e r ie s to BMI in the event of fa ilu re of said Water F a c ilitie s , and the in crea sin g of the capability of the L as V egas V a lley to a ccom m odate a labor fo r c e fo r BM I, together with n e c e s s a r y h om es, s e rv ice in d u stries, p ro fe s s io n s and tr ade s . TO THE STA TE O F NEVADA AND THE UNITED STA TE S: The opportunity fo r in cre a se d tax revenu es fr o m p ro p e rty taxes on new im p rovem en ts, fr o m in com e taxes on earnings of the in crea sin g population and in d u stries, and fr o m other tax reven u es rea liza b le fr o m the existen ce and a ctiv ities of such population and in d u stries; the advancem ent of A -3 |