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    Hr* Howard c Mann, Chief Knginecr 4/26/28 ago Two1 w# have an abundance o f water fo r the tim e-being, but the fa c ilit ie s fo r conducting th** and Town-s ite are inadequate* There tlmn can flow through the 16” Main* suamer la s t year when the pressure a iry water into the Softener in shop Yi m coming la from Qity patrons, we stl the S p ill­way at S e ttlin g Basin* I t i is during the svmmr too much draw-ofj ntain a su itable pressure. Since t§ ught in through Pipe Line a few a<s' uivalent o f surplus w atery or about sg more than the 16” Main w ill oarrj In carder to give I water s i f t a g e which might occur \___ t be bettor to spend a part o f the ?*?lyLQu.uQ an improved and la rg e r Conduit from en ^^3i^*sM n h \5^S h op Yards! In th is connection, could we jtq n salm ^\on e-si ^ . f of the 16?: ra in now in use and re la y / it p a ra lle lin g the other h a lf, and f i l l in the gap with /£4'? Ilain, ta la would then give us 24” Lin© about, h a lf the I distance from (settlin g Basin to shop Yards, and flow ing M to two 16" Lines and with a head and volume such as the J\and two M r Lines would carry, there would be l i t t le ouastioh^as te/sC shortage o f water or lack o f pressure Llse-eesiid be used exclusively fo r Railroad " * * the other turned d ire c tly into the City Main by a stand-pipe pressure from th« 24” Lin s, ve us storage water in the la rg e r pipe and I cient to carry us sa fe ly through i t has in the Boulder Canyon ham B i l l should be passed. _ ib ly double our population* and we can then construct a’ large R eservoir, and there w ill be a large amount o f the $71,000*00 appropriation le f t over to help start tills construction work* early consideration, a© your Engineers are at survey work nos on location o f Reservoir* this year i f the town continues to grow as w ill you kindly give th is matter your earnest and Yours very tru ly 5 *928 (P o s t s c r ip t on Kext Page)