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    m Secretary of Meet­ings Q U O X U B h - A&joum-nent kumber and Tenure - Powers Vacancies Meetings of these officers, the Board of Directors may appoint a chairman of the meeting to act in auoh events but I f the Board shall not make such appointmentf then, in the absence of these officers, any stockholder or proxy of any stock­holder may oall the meeting to order and a chairman shall be elected. section 7, The secretary of the Qbmpaay shall sot as secretary at a ll meetings ox the stockholders; but in the event of his absence the presiding officer at the meeting may appoint any person to aot as secretary of the meeting. Section 8. The representation of a majority of the out­standing capital stock of the Ompany, by the holders thereof In person or by proxy, shall be requisite to oonetitute a quorum for the holding of any meeting of the stockholders: except that any proportion of the outstanding stock less than a majority may adjourn a meeting from day Vo day until a quo­rum shall be present. A Majority of the capital stock represent­ed at any meeting shall be necessary to determine any question election thereat. The time end place to which any adjournment is taken shall be publicly announced at the meeting, and no further notice thereof shall be necessary. A ll proxies shall be in writing and must be on f ils with the Secretary before the same are voted. ARTICLE II Board of Directors Section 1. The general management of the business and affaire of the Company shall be vested in a Board of Directors, six in number, who Shall hold offloe until the next annual meeting of the stockholders of ths Company, and until others are duly ohosen in their place and shall have qualified. The Board shall employ euch agents and servants as they shall deem advisable and fix the compensation of a ll officers, agents and employes: and may, by a majority vote of a ll the members of the Board, remove any offioer, agent or employe elected or employed by them. Any vacancy occurring in the office of dir­ector may be fille d for the unexpired term by a vote of a majority of the remaining directors. section 3„ Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the fir s t Tuesday after the second Monday in each month at 11 o’ clock A.M. and no further notice of such regular monthly meetings shall be required. Special meetings •hall be held whenever called by the Secretary upon order of the Chairman of the Executive Cbsmittee or upon the signed order of three members of the Board. Motloe of special meet­ings shall be given at least three days prior thereto by mail­ing or telegraphing the same to the respective residences of offices of the Directors, but any Director may oonssnt in writing to the holding ox a special meeting without notice, co 3 <»