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    Annual Report to the S tate Public Service Commission IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE YEAR Hereunder give particulars of the following matters, numbering the statements in accordance with the inquiries. I f no changes of the character indicated have occurred during the year, state that fact. 1. Brief description of important changes in plant since last report. 2. All capital stocks issued, giving (a) names of stocks, (b) amounts issued, (c) purposes for which issued, and describing (d) the actual consideration realized, giving (e) amounts and ( f ) values; give similar information concerning all capital stocks retired (if any), giving date and cost of acquisition and date of cancellation. 3. Like information regarding long term debt issued or retired, stating in case of retirements, the date and cost of acquisition and date of cancellation. 4. All other important financial changes. 5. All changes in and all additions to franchise rights describing fully (a) the actual consideration given therefor, and stating (b) the parties from whom acquired. If acquired without the payment of any consideration, state that fact. 6. All changes in general officers, giving names of outgoing and of incoming officers, and dates of changes. 7. All additional matters of fact (not elsewhere provided for) which the respondent may desire to include in its report. 1* Mains Laid: Mains R etired ? 14269 fe e t o f 8n c a s t iro n 494 f t . o f 4B c a s t iro n 24932 » * 6” u ” 2 . None 3 . None ' 4 . None 5 . None 6 . None 7 . The continued in crea se in number o f f e e t o f d is trib u tio n mains was due p rin c ip a lly to exten sion s to Defense Housing P ro je c ts in Las Vegas. In ad d itio n , th e system was fu rth er improved by elim in atio n o f dead ends, in Las Vegas Development T ract and M ayfair # 1. Volume o f w ater d eliv ered to M ayfair #2, M arlin A ddition and Fourteenth S tr e e t Addition was a lso increased by cro ss con n ection s, thus improving the se rv ice in those lo c a lit ie s , a l l north o f Fremont S tr e e t. * t A W allace and T iem sn hypochlorinator was in s ta lle d in pump house a t Middle Spring to p u rify the w ater from th is sou rce. The purpose i s to u tiliz e the water p reviou sly perm itted to run down Las Vegas Greek to the Las Vegas Ranch.