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I agree.I ^ f Perm it Las Vegas L, & f « Go* mains and pipe lin e s * to aso s tr e e ts and a lle y s fo r water Los Angeles, February 28, 1930* Mr. P. H* Sxiicker bockev 1 nave copy Of your mailgram to Mr. K, L. Mams on under date o f February 26 r e la t iv e to the above, and Mr. Adamson has approved the permit and passed to me a l l papers which you sent him. 1 am now forwarding sarse to you, w ith the suggestion that Mr. Bracken c o rre c t the word "th e r e fo r e *1 in paragraph IV to read "th erefo r® , also adding the l e t t e r d to the word "and" in the second lin e o f Paragraph V, and c o rre c tin g the typographical e rr o r in the word "pursue" in lin e 3 o f fe e same paragraph. Attached are fou r copies o f th e revised perm it, fo r wish such use as Mr. Bracken may to make o f sane* Would suggest that the date o f approval be in serted as o f February 25, 1930. F. 8. McHasJse c c Mr. A. S• Halsted Mr. R. L« Adamson Sr, W. 8, Bracken Mr . Leo A* Mel m ee