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F O R M 3 0 - 1 ( L a s t S h e e t ) 5 - 53 - 100M W O R K O RD ER A U T H O R IT Y — Detail of Estimated Expenditures .DEPARTM ENT .D IV IS IO N • h k t _______o p _______i H i r r a h g j h B b e r _19 5 3 L O C A T IO N : L&S Vtg&8 # $eV*lda DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Construct 13.30 LF of 12*, 36?5 LF of ind 68X0 LF of 6* Iron ft ^ water gimlil* &M 260 LF of 6* fir® hydrant aonatetiim® to serve Byde P&rfe Subdivision Bo, 3, President's No State. itvidiii Valuation Section Department 3 S & 1,061 R . AND E ACCT. NO # A # # ® i» ?ITEM n l e t r u e t i d 8 u t e j 1 3 3 0 75| 1 1 0 1330 3 % 5 6610 one to Sufe&lvi o s pater fsifiins to be 00 expense of Subdivides; 12*'Cast iron pipe 8* Qaet Iron pipe 6* 0&#t iron pip# V&Xvea &nd Fitting# L a b o r - C o n t r a c t : 12* Qmt iron pipe 8* Oast iron pipe 6s G&et iron pipe . Contingencies Fire iydr&fit oonneetl fey and at expose of atufejeet to Refund* 6* Cast iron pipe Fittinge L a b o r » C o n t r a s t Contingencies 0 0 T 8 * Federal Boat# PeveXojJnent Cote&ny is* 3, L&e Vagte, Sereda, anI 1m # the InetaXX&tien of rater a*Uss own expense, subjeet to agreement to Nevada Public fetnioe Coaiieii of revenue derived t r m sale of * said tract and feMni: direct eerv under during the ten (10) refer pe; lints or until Sufedi rider has fees (exclusive of fir e hydrant eoaneu o f -70,100*00, wMofe ever fir s t o Q U A N T IT Y U N IT Ifer set t LF n d a t # £ e # i* » | 6 , 2 5 2*50 1*75 UNIT COST 6.00 3*75 r stru st B e t 1*75 3*75 Inc, t enter! id f i n t h a t *? in Rol« te r fed lee fro r ie d fa repal i liens) 3curs. * 1 L A B O R is ds* t lute h a r d s e ll t e r Go 9, r e f 1 ousts# i watts Hawing & the e hloh 1 MATERIAL 11518 3316 5 6 5 3 13900 6 2 0 900 1 M elo p in g p r i v a t e B y t e ocmtr t -ceiiMeitiens, »p*ny 1 end to i ere loo, TOTAL CHARGEABLE TO IN V E S T M E N T A C C O U N T O P E R A T IN G E X P E N S E S 8 2 1 3 : 2 0 5 0 i l l , p w yfedlvii ted wife. amine installed oo®pl«i;,io«. of O e t o f 1 l a i d V a t & agreed to fee #3% T r m t for t it# ieent o r 3 5 $ JULn h e r e * * aid r m&.im t h e s t a g T O T A L 86183 Total Estimated Expenditure Estimated By_________________ D a te ________________________ 19 ____ j Approved. 'When labor or material is chargeable to both Investment and Operating Expenses show the items separately for each account.