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    j L f & * Los Angel#*, Septenber 9, I P Mr. w. H. Hulslser: (©©- Mr. F. C. Paulsen Mr. W». Reinhardt Mr. A. C. Bitter Mr. 1* S. Bennett) Me proposed Lae Yagas Valley Water Districts This dlstrlet which extends about 10 elite north and south, and 7 Riles east and west fro® L a g o v m * 308 square mils# and include* 21 ®lle* of Rain line tie®* 2rt4-. w.P. 3*3.r 3*.U “ « 2* ? £ A °* IfS m Branch track fro® Boulder be created and operated pu rJsuunacnttio nt o the provision* oPf JCShlaptt.­er lit of the 1 W Statute# of the State of Wevade which is M t l U r t , 4 a Art t. create a *rt.r rt.trtot ln th. La. Tagaa Vallay, Clark County, Naradat to proTlflo for t h o g « - caroaont, .toraga, distribution and gala of w t o r s»a right. In th* u#* thereof fro® Lake Mead for Industrial, municipal and domestic ueees to provide for the tlon of th# ground water resources of the La* vegae “^Aiey and to create authority to purchase, acquire and oonjtruct the necessary works to carry out the provision* J J * 11JJJ* to authorise a tax levy for the payoent of obllption* during the organisational period, and to provide tor the leen^ee of district bonds to be paid solely fro® the operating revenue* of such district«* this Aet provide* the district may, among other rights, take by grant, purchase or otherwise, real or personal property of every kind within or without the districts ®®y~ struct and operate any and all necessary works within or with­out the districts appropriate and acquire water and water rights: condemn private property for publlo use, and wwce any property necessary for the purposes of this Act whether such property be already devoted to the sane use by district or other nubile agency or corporation or otherwise a ® to conaewi any existing works or improvements in said district nowor hereafter used: carry on Investigations pertaining to water supply, water right*, control of flood* and use of water and for this purpose said dlstrlet shall have the right of access to all land* and pre»i*e* within said district: to l e w In-d* bt*dnes* and to issue bond*: to cause taxes to be levied and collected for the purpose of paying any obligation of the