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I agree.•let, California June 15, 1944 MOTICE Gg SPECIAL HEEYHtG 0£ STOCKHOLDERS <£ H i M i VfiflM M i l M i M f f i g g f f l ' fJUCE MOYXCS that at its regular Monthly nesting. held June 15, 1944, the Board of Directors of Las Vegas Land and Water Conpany adopted the following resolution! "RESOLVED, that a special nesting of the Stockholders of this corporation he held at the office of the Conpany in Los Angeles, California, at 10;30 4. M,, Tuesday, July 11, 1944, for the purpose of voting upon an anendnent to Artlela II of the By*Lawa Of this conpany hy adding a new aaction, reading as follows; Los Angeles 4 Salt Lake Railroad Conpany Messrs: w, K. Jeffera ^ Frank Strong W. R, Bracken Wn. Reinhardt ^ 8 . E. Bennett / W. ?. Price 'feet. Section 5. Each director shall bs paid a fea of $10 for each netting of the Board of Dir so tors which he shall attend14•