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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-295


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, LAS VEGAs, NEVAdA DECEMBER 1, 1920. All members being present with the Clerk and the City Attorney. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. All claims against the City allowed as appears on file with the Clerk of this board. Reports of officers approved and placed on file. At this time Mr. Neal DeWitt appeared before the Board regarding an action be taken by the board relative to the protection of photographers in said city, whereupon after discussing this matter it was ordered that this matter be referred to the City Attorney and he is hereby directed to look in­to the legal aspects of said matter and report to this board. The clerk then presented a communication from J. T. McWilliams informing the Board that the bench marks had been disturbed whereupon it was ordered by the board that this matter be referred to the Street Commissioner. The Clerk then presented a petition from the people of old town requesting street lights to be placed in said part of said city, whereupon this matter was referred to the mayor for investigation. The clerk then read to the board for the first time an Ordinance of the city of Las Vegas re­garding the storage and removal of garbage, offal and refuse, animal and vegetable matter, whereupon said ordinance was referred to the next regular meeting of the board. This being the time set by the board for the opening of bids for the contemplated side walks improvement on third street and two petitions having been filed with the Board the clerk was instructed to open said bids and thereupon the clerk read as follows: NOTICE INVITING PROPOSALS FOR DOING SIDEWALK WORK. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas invite and will receive at the office of the City Clerk up to two o'clock p. m. on Wednesday, the 1st day of December 1920, sealed proposals or bids for the doing of the following street work in said City, to-wit: 1. That a cement concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along the west side of Third Street. Said sidewalk shall be constructed to the official line, grade and width, and shall be constructed in accordance with and as provided in the specifications for sidewalk work set forth in Ordinance No. 47 of the City of Las Vegas. The amount and extent of such work shall be as shown on the plats and diagrams thereof on file with said City Clerk, taken in connection with the notices of intention of said Board of doing said work heretofore posted and published, and also in connection with Ordinance ordering said work. The contract for said work will be let to the lowest responsible bidder. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. A good and sufficient bond for the faithful performance of the con­tract and to in-than ninety days thereafter. Such fifty per cent of the contract price will be required to be given by the contractor. The contract shall provide that the payments for work are to be made out of special assessment funds as heretofore determined. Said contract will provide that the contractor shall receive fifty per cent of the contract price upon the completion of such contract, and the remain­der of the contract price within sixty days thereafter. Work to begin thirty days after letting of con- tract and to be completed not later than ninety days hereafter. Such contract shall contain such fur­ther conditions and provisions as the Board of City Commissioners may reasonably require. Dated at Las Vegas, Nevada, this 3rd day of November, 1920. (seal) Harley A. Harmon City Clerk of the City of Las Vegas, First publication No. 13, 1920 Last publication Nov. 27, 1920.