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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, November 20, 1957 to December 2, 1959, lvc000011-90


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    SCHEDULE G (cont'd) BUDGET 1958-59 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (if separate): Department Head's Salary ---------- $ 3,600.00 Other Salaries ---------- 94,706.00 Office Expense ------------ 12,000.00 Equipment Maintenance and Operation Capital Outlay ------------ 2,000.00 TOTAL ------------ 116,306.00 OTHER DEPARTMENTS OR ACTIVITIES CONSIDERED PART OF "STREET AND PUBLIC WORKS" (itemize): STREET LIGHTING: Salaries 43,645.00 Other Expense 42,587.00 Capital Outlay ------------- 25,000.00 TOTAL 111,232.00 CITY GARAGE: Salaries 88,388.00 Other Expense --------------- ( 44,078.00) Capital Outlay 14,000.00 TOTAL 58,310.00 MAINTENANCE DEPT: Salaries 4,884.00 Other Expense ----------------- 5,780.00 Capital Outlay 1,000.00 TOTAL 11,664.00 OFF STREET PARKING: Salaries 4,221.00 Other Expenses 21,338.00 Capital Outlay ----------------- TOTAL 26,153.00 TOTAL STREETS AND PUBLIC WORKS 825,354.00 SCHEDULE H GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES PARKS AND RECREATION PARK DEPARTMENT: Department Head's Salary -------------- 7,500.00 Other Salaries 62,816.00 Office Expense --------------- 35,000.00 Equipment Maintenance and Operation Capital Outlay --------------- 153,303.00 TOTAL 258,619.00 RECREATION DEPARTMENT: Department Head's Salary ---------------- 8,400.00 Other Salaries ----------------- 59,003.00 Equipment Maintenance and Operation Office Expense 35^000^80 Capital Outlay ----------------- 125,000.00 Other Expense 14,000.00 TOTAL 206,403.00 OTHER DEPARTMENTS OR ACTIVITIES CONSIDERED PART OF "PARKS AND RECREATION", (itemize) LIBRARY: Salaries ------------ 33,557.00 Other Expense 16,169.00 Capital Outlay 1,000.00 TOTAL 50,726.00 SWIMMING POOLS: Salaries ----------------- 33,436.00 Other Expense 11,036.00 Capital Outlay 1,130.00 TOTAL 45,662.00 GOLF COURSE: Salaries 58,238.00 Other Expense 31,808.00 Capital Outlay 21,590.00 TOTAL 111,536.00 TOTAL PARKS AND RECREATION 673,006.00 3-12-58