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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Hr. L. V. Peart - Omaha Please refer to poor letter of January 19, 195b, file ED i-18 relative to deposit In the amount of $533.50 made by Orlnnell Company of the Paolflo to cover ooet of Installing 6* water asrvloe connection. Orlnnell Company deposited $533.56 to oover said Installation on December j , 1953, whloh amount Is now being held In suspense aooount at your offloe. With respect to the above, I am attaching hereto Form 183 No. V 1 W In the amount of $533.50 to oover oost of Installing the 6* water servloe connection mentioned above. Please note that the Longley Construction Company, Inc. performed the work and has billed the Water Company for charges ooverlng sans. The Installa­tion of ths 6“ connection was sublet to Longley Construction Company In view of the faot that our foroes were unable to do this work at the time the Orlnnell Company desired the oonneotlon alnoe we have been very busy with new Installations to various new subdivisions. Las Vegas - February 8, 19jl» I 23-2-1 Attaofament MED:1m