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    i (e) L.V.L.& W. Items: With respect to the LVL&W budget recommendations. Insofar as applicable to water supply, please note: Item !• The change in Mr. Bracken4 s recommendation was made with his concurrence and with a view of conforming with our recommendation in the following item. All of these additional lines do not conform with the Taylor and Taylor recommendation of September, 1940, but Mr. Bracken advises deviations therefrom are brought about by local changes whleh were not apparent at the time the Taylor and Taylor recommendation was made. Item 8. This suggestion is made to conform with our Railroad recommendation for increasing the supply to 8,160,000 GPB. If this increase becomes necessary the additional 10* line and distributing system will be required. Conferring with Purchasing Department, we are advised it will require from ten to twelve weeks to secure cast iron pipe. Therefore, if the budget recommendations are approved, the situa­tion should be watched closely, and if need for additional water becomes apparent immediate steps should be taken to procure necessary authority and place purchase orders, Frank ^&t>rong 0. P /ff i^ h le r 00 - Mr. w. H. Guildv Mr. F. 0. Paulsen Mr. H. H. Larson Mr. w. R. Bracken