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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    LAS VEGAS LAND AND WATER COMPANY Jf/C. - O. oVvHITTBMORE, Phkst., Salt Lake City, Utah Offices i H, I. BETTIS, Viok-Peest. <fc Auditob, Eos Angeles, Oal. 507 Pacific Electric Building W• H. COMSTOCK, Sboretahy, Los Angeles, Oal. LOS ANGELES OAL W. H. LEBT1, The as.. Los Angeles, Oal. _____ AND LAS VEGAS, NBY. E. A. WATERS, Agt., LOS ANGELES, OAL ) ^ fpy, Subject: Parties using- water and not paying. Los Angeles, Feb.5, 1907. Air. W. R. Irae sen, Agent; las Vegas, lev. Dear Sir:- Referring to your favor of the 23rd ultimo, giving list of parties who are using water from Company's service and not paying for same; I have examined this list and do not know of any reason why they should not pay. iou will please make bills for service commenc­ing February 1st, 1907. For your information I will say in this connection that it lias been authorized that water be furnished free tc the Rev.Mr.Bain. Yours truly, Bi Vice Prest.and Auditor.