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    Biltmore Residents Gather In Request For Improved Zone OinrK!wnemtba,l Sihreet Lights, Paving Program, Sidewalks Asked By 150 Owneirs I'm Meeting Wiitki Las Vegas City Officiate Improvement of the Biltmore BaouHirig district through addition of ornamental street lights, paved .streets in certain sections and location of sidewalks ffior peitestaisaaa safety was discussed at a meeting of property (owrasrs Tuesday might, and ranmnwnMippR named for further clarification and direct sadism <om Ithe problems. Biltmore tract, Biltmore Annex No. 1, and Tiffindale tract were all represented by the 150 per­sons who conferred with Tom Bennessey, city, manager,, in the War Memorial building. One item common to the entire group was insfcafetbion oi a light-] ing system, and debate was hefldj i mi wibetfihier tffla&B should, ffiw 'fitonough ttensgwnnary poles or assr- namental - standards and gWtaes., BiKtmtare Aura has the ®ddii-i ti-onal problem -of unimproved streets, which property owners contend they have paid for bust, not received. Street improve­ment was understood to have an-t eluded the cost .of the houses, hut because off the war and hmffiraitty Aa obtairmmg imaterrals,' was trwfc done. An investigation Will t>e started on - this to determine where the responsibility for pav­ing lies. A number <of property owners in Biltmore and the Annex are,' seekmag to Baa*® sMtewaUfcE ino-'j eiailited,, tout de baste is lesapeetted dm! this scffittoe hmoe tthe streets ame: extremely rnanrow and pavia© would require owners to give upS several feet of their frontage for j the (project. mnittees will meet Thursday eve- aaing at the iterate of Mr. and. Mrs. Kenneth Wan Wmsb 114 East B©- wsuttza, .IDhaiiin&day eytening. Mffit- narane repnesanitatiwss are Mrs. Kermaeth Van V-orst, Ira 'Gold- ring, Arthur Whittaker., Mrs. G. C, Davis, Mrs. H. Ruggeroli, Mrs. H. Schimke and Mrs. A. Huhe- gard. The Annex committee is composed of I. M.' Ahlswede, W. P. LaGrange, Josephine Gray- sssa and Mrs. Oharites Mdks. Tif- iSndale interests Twaffithe govenned hy Mrs. Robert J. Harris, Donald McCartney, Earl Vause, Albert Storey, Mrs. C. V. Bascom, Mrs. S. Adler and Earl Davis. Aten© with the general ina-; prewemertt projects, the <city «f| Las Vegas will he asked to erect I a sign at the Asad end of Bo­nanza monad, ffimen Pacific ajall-1 road will he requested do ftafee;i some action to clean the wash which runs through fcom INorthb Main Bteedt to She (Odd Ranch, and a general clean-up ©f the ! weeds and brush on the unim­proved property of the wash will be demanded, according to -com- , mittee mernheas. Chosen to represent the inter-, est of the variolas sections, com-1